6 Erogenous Zones That Will Drive Her CRAZY With Desire
Knowing these sensitive spots will make you WAY better in bed.

It makes me sad how so many guys obsess over a woman’s body and worship every curve only to jump straight "down there" the moment he thinks she won't turn him down. Maybe it has something to do with our caveman instincts and need to procreate. Maybe some guys are just trying to finish the deed as quickly as possible in case she changes her mind.
Whatever the case, you owe a woman's entire body the attention and stimulation she desires and deserves. She doesn’t want you jumping straight for her clitoris or breasts the second she gives you the green light for sex. In fact, there are so many ways you can go before you snap that bra off.
Here are six frequently neglected female erogenous zones to keep in mind and some of the most pleasurable ways to press those buttons:
1. Her lips
No, not those lips — the lips on her face! Those pink flesh mounds that make her smile. Ever wonder why romantic flicks dwell so much on kissing? It’s because the fastest way into a woman’s panties is through her lips. Practice kissing, licking, sucking and nibbling her lips to stir up some powerful emotions.
2. The back of her neck
The back of the neck is extremely sensitive, and the slightest breath or kiss delivered to her nape will make her body tingle in anticipation.
3. Her ears
A woman is always listening, which means her ears are an easy target, right? Kissing, licking or whispering sweet nothings can quickly stir up some erotic emotions. Whisper an erotic thought close to her ear followed with a kiss, and watch her arousal spark!
4. Her thighs
Specifically, the inner thighs, this succulent part of a woman’s leg is highly sensitive to kissing, stroking and touching. This is a great erogenous zone to focus on before oral sex.
If you really want to get her in the mood, tease her inner thighs with soft kisses before you make your way to her clitoris. Enjoy making her wet and building her desire with the promise of more to come.
5. Her butt
Most men seem to go gaga over a woman’s bubbly buttocks in courtship, yet they never give it enough attention in the bedroom. Her butt is one of my favorite erogenous zones to spend some time on. Why do you think so many women love the idea of getting spanked? It’s not just a kink.
The butt is highly sensitive! Use your imagination when loving her butt — kiss it, lick it, squeeze it, spank it and worship it. If you’ve already developed a strong sense of sexual trust with her and she’s up for it, use some anal anticipation techniques to get her in the mood for some anal loving.
6. Her back
It’s the largest of all her erogenous zones, and even just the simplest touch can make her entire body quiver. If you’re both laying on the bed talking, just slip your hand up the back of her shirt and slowly move the tips of your fingers up and down along the entire length of her back. Talk in a calm, relaxing voice to match the physical stimulation she’s getting and watch her melt before your eyes.
So here's my challenge to you: Next time you’re with a woman, don’t even think about touching her breasts or vagina until you’ve stimulated each of these six female erogenous zones first. I guarantee you'll find your girl wetter and more hungry for you than she's ever been.
If you want to learn more advanced pleasure and orgasm secrets and be one of the rare men who knows a woman's body even better than she does, watch this video now!