How To Ride A Man On Top In The Cowgirl Sex Position
You'll be a bona fide pro in no time.

Learning how to have great sex in different variations of the woman-on-top "cowgirl" sex position and ride a man with confidence is surprisingly easy.
The biggest misconception women have when it comes to trying girl-on-top sex positions like the cowgirl is that it requires a lot of skill to pull off properly.
It really doesn't. In fact, in many ways, it's exactly like riding a bike.
The first few times you try it, it can be a bit nerve-racking and possibly even awkward. But each subsequent time you are on top of your man during sex, you will notice how it gets easier and easier.
Eventually, you won't even feel nervous or awkward about it and will be focusing more on enjoying yourself.
To get to the stage where you can't wait to jump on top of your man and start riding him, you have to get through those awkward and nervous feelings first — just like when you first learned to ride a bike.
You may start off thinking about what might go wrong, but once you push through this initial fear, you'll find it becomes simple and effortless.
Try using one or more of the tips below at the same time for maximum effect.
How to feel more confident when learning how to ride a man in the cowgirl sex position.
1. Have sex in the dark.
Probably the easiest way to boost your confidence and take the pressure off when you ride your man is to have sex in the dark.
This way you don't have to worry about having his eyes on you.
2. Drink some booze.
Have a drink or two (but not seven!) before sex with your man. This will help you to relax and not care so much about what happens.
Just make sure not to overdo it with alcohol, though!
3. Remember that he's nervous, too.
The biggest mistake women make when getting sexual with a guy is that their man is going to be just as nervous as they are if not more so.
Don't forget that they want to impress you too! On top of this, he's going to be worrying about making sure that he stays hard, that he doesn't come too quickly, that you don't think his penis is too small and that he is putting in a good 'performance'.
4. Focus on getting yourself off.
Many women forget that guys adore seeing their girlfriend or partner enjoying herself and having an orgasm.
So the next time you are in a girl-on-top sex position, stop thinking about whether or not you are pleasing your man. Instead, focus on what feels best for you.
5. Tie up your hair.
It may seem sexy to have your hair dangling around your face, but it can actually get in the way and throw you off your game. It's best to tie it up and get it out of your face. This also shows that you know what your doing and are about to get down to business. That's sexy in the bedroom.
You can always play around with different updos to make things interesting. However, the classic ponytail is a good choice and one he can grab onto if you are both into that.
6. Have fun being in control.
You are on top. You are in charge, so take control and have some fun with it.
Tell him what to do. Limit his ability to touch you. Some guys are super into being told what to do in bed.
7. Maintain eye contact.
Looking into each other's eyes can be overwhelming, but it can also make people feel safe and seen. This is super important in the bedroom and having confidence. So look into his eyes when you are on top and it may give you comfort to try new things outside your comfort zone.
8. Use your hands.
You can use your hands any way you wish, but you should use them. You can stroke his chest or play with his hair.
Or use your hands on yourself. Caress your body while riding your man, give him a show!
There are two variations of the cowgirl position you should try when you're on top of your man riding him.
1. Traditional Cowgirl Position
Photo: Michael Blue / shutterstock
In the cowgirl position, you will be on your knees, straddling your man and facing him.
You can stay upright or lean forward and support yourself on your arms. You can then rest most of your body weight on your man's lap.
2. "Asian Cowgirl" Position
Photo: Michael Blue / shutterstock
This is identical to the basic cowgirl position except that when you perform it, you will be on your feet with your knees bent. You can still rest most of your weight on your man's lap in this position.
Most women find the basic cowgirl position to be the most comfortable and enjoyable of these two.
Once you are in the cowgirl position that you find most comfortable, it's time to get to work.
There are three motions that you can perform when riding your man during sex.
1. Forward and Backward
If you enjoy clitoral stimulation during sex, then you will like this motion. Start by sitting right down into your man's lap and take him fully into you. Then simply rock forwards and backwards on top of him, rubbing your clitoris of his stomach.
2. Up and Down
Moving upwards and downwards requires a little more effort. You are going to use your legs to 'bounce' on your man's lap allowing his penis to glide in deep and then out again.
You'll find that this position requires a lot more effort than simply moving backwards and forwards.
3. Around and Around
This last movement is similar to the first, Forwards & Backwards. You are going to take your man deep into you, but instead of moving backwards and forwards on him, you are going to be making a circular motion instead.
Now these three movements are a starting point for riding a guy while on top, but to truly enjoy yourself then you're going to need to do a bit of experimentation to see what you like and enjoy the most.
Have fun!
Sean Jameson is a sex expert and founder of the Bad Girl's Bible website, where you can learn advanced techniques to improve your sex life.