How To Create A Vision Board For 2021 That Actually Works
Want to manifest your best year ever in 2021? Create a vision board!

If you're hoping to make your dreams come true and up level a few areas of your life, creating a vision board can help.
Why is that? The process of putting together a vision board gets you in touch with the true essence of what you want, an important piece for successful manifesting.
What is a vision board? Vision boards are generally a collage of photos and words that represent what you want to happen in the future.
Imagine the changes you want for the new year. Think about the different aspects of your life and what you hope for.
So, how can you make a vision board that truly helps you manifest the things you want out of life?
Here are 7 steps to create a vision board that reflects you and the changes you want to see in 2021.
1. Grade yourself on where you are right now.
One way to do this is to work through the "Wheel of Life," which is a tool to examine the state of your life.
Picture (or draw) a circle divided into eight pieces, like a pie. Then give yourself a grade from one to 10 for each of the segments representing different aspects of your life:
Fun & Creativity
Personal Growth & Spirituality
Health & Wellness
Social Life
This exercise gives you an idea of where you want to focus your energy for the coming year.
For example, if you gave yourself an eight for career and finances, then you know you're doing quite well in those areas. However, if you only gave yourself a three for relationships and social life, that might be your area to concentrate on next year.
You are looking to create greater balance among the areas of your life.
Think about the goals you want to accomplish in each segment. What a great way to get a jump on 2021 and create the life you dream of living!
2. Practice self-reflection.
The next step is taking time for reflection to go a bit deeper.
A vision board that really works is more than just pasting a bunch of photos and words on cardboard. To tap into the magic of manifesting, you have to go inside.
Think about each goal one at a time and how you'll feel when you accomplish it. This is the critical piece of the vision board process that makes it work.
The reason is that your emotions are what help you manifest. So, getting in touch with the sentiment is essential.
According to Lynn Grabhorn, author of Excuse Me Your Life Is Waiting, your thoughts cause you to feel a certain way. And how you feel causes how you vibrate at a particular frequency.
Then, your vibration is what attracts what you want and allows you to manifest your desires.
3. Use the Law of Attraction.
This concept is actually rooted in the Law of Attraction, which states, “Like attracts like.” That means how you "vibrate" directly impacts your ability to attract what you want.
So, if you feel positive about a goal and see yourself accomplishing it, you're sending out that uplifted, positive vibe and possibility into the universe.
Surprisingly, this is the secret behind why your vision board actually works. It’s all about your energy and emotions related to accomplishing your goals and manifesting your desires.
Let's say you want to find love next year. How will you feel once you meet the life partner of your dreams? Will you feel loved, complete, sexy, or cherished?
Give yourself a bit of time with each goal, so you can come up with the emotions associated with achieving each one.
4. Gather your materials for your vision board.
Now that you know what you want to create and the related emotions, the fun begins! Gather the items you‘ll need to create your vision board.
You'll need a piece of cardboard or oaktag that is as big as you want — from 24”x36” to 8.5”x11”. You can also just use a piece of printer paper if that’s all you have.
Grab some magazines and catalogs you don’t mind cutting into, a glue stick, and some scissors. Optional items include magic markers, crayons, oil pastels, or glitter for adding detail or getting more creative.
5. Pick the pictures you want to use.
Start looking through magazines or catalogs for photos and words that speak to your goals. Cut out everything that appeals to you regarding what you want to accomplish and feel in 2021.
If you need additional pictures or can't find something in the magazines, look for images on the web. Print out everything you need, and don't worry if you have too much. Later, you will be more selective and choose just the right images.
You can also put messages on your photos before you print them. Go to a free photo-editing site, upload a photo, and then type out the message. You can choose a font and a color, and position the text on the photo. Then, you can simply download the image and print it. This is an awesome tool you'll use for so many things once you start working with it.
Next, look through everything you've collected and select the ones that best match the feelings for every goal you've chosen. Also, be sure you have words that reflect the goals and feelings, too.
Then, think about how you want to organize on your cardboard or page.
You might not have something for all eight areas, which is totally fine. Just look at what you selected and decide where to position it on the board.
For the biggest visual impact, group all the words and photos that relate to one goal together.
6. Organize your goals and paste everything together.
Let's say you have five goals. There are lots of ways to organize them.
Imagine dividing up the board into four segments, and then maybe one in the middle for the fifth. Or, you could simply start pasting things down and fit your elements in as you go.
There's no wrong way to create your vision board!
If you find you have too much empty space between areas, you can cut out flowers from the magazines to cover these blank spots. Or, you might choose to color the areas or glue on glitter.
The choices are endless to make this a true expression of your individuality.
7. Use your vision board.
Last but not least, let's talk about how to use the vision board. Place it somewhere you are sure to see it every day.
You might not want it out in the open for everyone to view. That's up to you.
So, you could post it in your closet or keep it on a wall in your bedroom. Or you might want it in your kitchen, since you'll be in there a few times a day.
Once you hang it up, set aside at least 15 minutes to connect with your creation. Look at each segment and feel the emotions you are hoping to generate, so you start to send out the right vibe or signals to the universe.
This is how you activate the energy of your vision board and get the Law of Attraction working for you.
Then every day, spend a few minutes or longer taking in your vision board. Let those feelings well up and feel real to you right now, as if everything you've mapped out is coming true right now.
This is what ensures your vision board really works!
You'll build a vibrational relationship with your vision board, so you get to the point that even a causal glance raises your vibration and increases your magnetic ability to attract what you want. It’s so magical!
Enjoy the process of creating your vision board, and have fun while making it. The happier you are with your collage, the more likely you are to gaze at it and give it the energy to manifest your dreams as nothing else can. Have fun!
For 19 years, love and cosmic coach Ronnie Ann Ryan has shared her sound advice and practical magic for mindful dating, love, and life with thousands of successful single women. Listen to her free audio program, 8 Ways to Raise Your Love Vibe today.