How To Read The Enneagram Diagram Like A Pro
The Enneagram diagram is a psychological-spiritual map for personal development.

The Enneagram diagram reveals the powerful teachings of the Enneagram. It provides you with a path to physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health.
When you learn how to read the Enneagram diagram and explore this powerful image, it shows you a path to your best self.
It also helps you become self-aware, and with practice, you can catch yourself before you move into unhealthy behavior.
What does the Enneagram diagram look like?
The circle represents unity, oneness, and wholeness. It reminds us that we are part of something greater.
The Enneagram diagram originates from the Abrahamic faiths that believe in one God. Everything stems from the triune God and this tradition includes the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic faiths.
The Triads of the Enneagram Diagram
The Instinctive Center
This is located in the gut center and helps you be grounded in the here and now.
If your Enneagram type has its home in the instinctive center, you will get your first feedback through your body's sensations.
You might find that you have a strong intuition. Everything goes well when you pay attention to your intuition.
The Enneagram types represented in the Instinctive Center include Type 8 (the challenger), Type 9 (the peacemaker), and Type 1 (the reformer).
The Feeling Center
This is located in your solar plexus, helps you get in touch with your feelings.
If your Enneagram type has its home in the feeling center, you will get your first feedback through your emotions.
Your emotions are constantly changing. If you get stuck in a feeling, you are probably caught in what your head thinks you should feel.
The Thinking Center
This is located in your head and helps you connect with a higher power when your mind is quiet.
When your mind is quiet, you will know what you need to do, what you need to say, and whom and what you need to prioritize.
Your quiet mind can help you notice what is going on within yourself and those around you.
Each of the types in the Enneagram diagram represents nine ways to survive in the world. It's like each type sees the world through a different lens.
Each person will notice other things because they view the world through the lens of their type.
You have all nine types within you. And as you get healthier in your type, you get better in all of them.
To learn how to read the Enneagram diagram, you need to know the 9 Enneagram types and their description.
Type 1: The Reformer
The reformer knows the world can be a better place and how they can make a difference. They intuitively know the best ways to heal the world.
When under stress, Type 1's can be tough on themselves, worrying that they are not doing things well enough. As they get harder on themselves, they get more critical of those they love.
Type 2: The Helper
The Helper can notice what others need. They get great joy from helping. At their best, they not only care for those around them but they're also good at self-care.
As Type 2 gets stressed, they will do whatever they need to get another person's love. They will manipulate family and friends so they can be the center of their lives.
Type 3: The Achiever
The Achiever has lots of energy. They are creative, playful, energized, and want to make things happen in the world.
They want to be successful and seen as successful.
As the Achiever gets stressed, they start to disconnect from their true self. They will morph into whatever they think they need to be to succeed in any group or organization.
Type 4: The Individualist
Type 4's are creative, emotional, playful, and unique. They will find beauty in surprising places, and their creativity is expressed through home decor, clothes, and accessories.
When they get stressed, they will get moody because they are afraid of not feeling enough emotion.
Type 4's will find one of their favorite sad moods that are easy for them to get stuck in.
Type 5: The Investigator
Type 5's have a hunger for knowledge. They don't have to know a broad range of things that would help them play games like Trivial Pursuit.
They have a passion for a particular area of expertise and will work for days, months, and years to become experts in this field.
In relationships, they can be a mystery to their partner because their partner has no idea of what is going on in their head.
Type 6: The Loyalist
Loyalists can see problems before they happen. Type 6's make sure the issues get addressed before anyone finds themselves in danger.
As Type 6 moves into stress, they start seeing problems where there's no trouble. It's easy for them to get caught in anxiety, worrying about things they have no control over.
Type 7: The Enthusiast
Enthusiasts love to get the best out of each day. They love adventures and will try anything new, even if just once.
As they get stressed, they quickly get bored and find it hard to complete projects. Type 7's often double or triple book themselves because they fear missing out on any exciting opportunity.
Type 8: The Challenger
Challengers have big hearts and powerful intuitions. They want to make a difference and have great compassion for those who have suffered at the hands of other people.
Type 8's are also movers and shakers.
As they move into stress, the eight can become like a bull in a china shop. Their energy and intensity often intimidate others because they use more force than needed to force their will.
Type 9: The Peacemaker
Peacemakers can help people resolve conflict. A Type 9 can understand people's different points of view and see what others have in common, enabling them to help people come to a win-win solution.
As they get stressed, nines appease others at all costs to avoid conflict. Over time they forget their own needs.
The Enneagram diagram reveals its powerful wisdom. It shows us how to become healthier. It helps us to catch ourselves when we're getting stuck in our personality. It enables us to be at our best and allows us to get along with other people.
To benefit from the Enneagram, it takes time, study, self-reflection, and honesty.
If you make an effort, you will find new life, courage, self-respect, and joy.
If you want to take this journey seriously, you will benefit from courses, coaching, books, video, and learning together with friends and family.
When you make an effort, you will not be disappointed. You will discover a life you never dreamed possible.
Roland Legge is a life coach who offers coaching through REL Consultants for individuals, couples, families, and executives to help them to be the best they can be. Join his private newsletter list for advice.