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About Rodolfo Cabrera
In his speech, “The Antidote for Fear”, Rodolfo Cabrera explores how to use our obstacles as the raw material of our dreams. He has discovered hidden patterns in how some people and organizations reach their dreams easily and efficiently, while others are efficient in effortlessly achieving disappointments. His premise is supported by an intriguing mathematical equation for accomplishing our goals.
Rodolfo Cabrera is fascinated by the natural principles that govern our lives. He proposes a simple but powerful model for transforming our obstacles into the raw material of our dreams. His speech is an in depth exploration into his idea that all human beings are possessed by fears and pregnant with dreams.
In his book “The Antidote for Fear”: And how to inject it, coming out later this year, he proposes a radical rethink in how we pursue our goals and our approach to crisis management. He points out that every mental and emotional chaos is organized the moment that the mind chooses an altruistic course, with a purpose that transcends our personal interests. The book, as the speech is a manifesto “let us be a River and not a Swamp!” We can use our talents either to build or to destroy; to become stagnant and isolate ourselves like the swamp; or to flow, contribute and irrigate fields like a river. The life of a person that has resembled a swamp becomes diaphanous and clear when a cause, a purpose, a focus, a mission are discovered.
An entrepreneur by training, Rodolfo Cabrera advises individuals and organizations on how to exorcise the fears that sabotage the birth of dreams. He is active in various Foundations, helping create this change of paradigm.