Gay Sex And Broken Pipes: 5 Sexy Alternatives To Try With Your BF
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Contrary to popular belief, gay men don't always have the greatest sex. I know this because I'm gay, 50, and my plumbing (a.k.a. my penis) isn't working like it used to. It's putting a damn crimp in my sex life with my partner and there's no magic "As Seen On TV" miracle cure for bringing Mr. Happy back to life. Actually, that's WRONG!
Mr. Happy can be just is happy in the realm of gay sex, even if he can’t stand at attention. If there's one thing I know, even though I was late to the gay sex game, is that my body is a sexual playground, even if my penis doesn't agree at times. I can't believe I'm admitting this on a national blog for all to see. But I'm man enough to admit it, without it being an assault on masculinity and without it making me feel like I'm less than anyone because my sex life has been altered.
Hear me now and hear me roar...hetero or some point all of us men will face the deflated, why don't you wake up and stand at attention penile disappointment. And that's OK! It doesn't have to mean your life is over unless you buy into that belief. Here's why gay sex and the broken pipe blues aren't the end to your sexual pleasures.
1. Expand Your Territory
Orally stimulate the nipples, even if you've never been a nipple man before. You'll be surprised how those little round nubs can make erotic pleasure come (no pun intended) to life!
2. Find The "S' Zone
Kind of like the "G-Spot," the "S" Zone is the "I'm older and wiser, so now stimulate me here zone!" Just because the blowjob or the anal stimulation doesn't get your rocks off doesn't mean you've hit the end of the trail. Your body is a sexual zone, so play with it and see where it leads to enhance your newly reengineered gay sex experiences.
3. Be A Voyeur
Take pleasure in watching him. I'll admit, even before the pipes started to get a little rusty, I found pleasure in watching my partner masturbate and feel pleasure. I'm now grateful that I see the value in that experience. When I can't get an erection and he can, it still brings me pleasure to watch him buff the banana. Every once in awhile that's all it takes before I realize that Henry (my penises pet name) is at full attention and pre-maturely ejaculating. Hey, a premature ejaculation during sex is better than none at all, RIGHT?
4. Be Easy...On Yourself
Stop beating yourself up! Obviously beating yourself during gay sex and beating yourself up during gay sex are two different things. Or maybe they're not if you're into the BDSM gay sex scene. Regardless, don't screw with your mind while your trying to screw during sex. The more in your head you are about "not performing" like you used to, the more likely you'll not perform during "gay sex." Got it?
5. Expand Your Horizon
Remember it's about the whole relationship, not just sex. I know it's a bad picture in our minds to think about our parents having sex, but hey, if they're one of the lucky ones to still be married, (even if it's a second marriage), and their relationship survived, takes some cues from Mom and Pops. Even though they're not having gay sex, or maybe they are and it's their little secret, remember it's about more than just sex. It's about love, intimacy, and being in it for more than the proverbial "money shot!"
So now that I've bared my soul about my gay sex life, and thankfully there's no naked bare shots of me to accompany this article (I wouldn't want to torture you), I only hope that something I shared will help you and your gay sex age gracefully and fabulously. If you feel you're not and it's not then here's one last tidbit...Pour yourself a nice glass of Pinot Noir, hit up your favorite porn site, and remember the good ole' days when Mr. Happy was actually happy. At least nostalgia will never go out of style!
Having plumbing or relationship challenges? Not sure why you can't land and keep man? Tired of gay sex just being gay sex and nothing deeper? Schedule an introductory "Get me out of my gay sex doldrums coaching session with Rick Clemons, The Gay Man's Life Coach" Today!
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