6 Unsexy Things Men Want You To Do When You First Start Dating
Six expectations he has that he won't tell you about.

You’ve met a nice guy and he’s asked you out. You walk into this date and potential relationship filled with expectations. Dating advice will make you wonder whether or not he'll pick up the bill, open your door, take interest in your life, and so on.
His ability to meet these expectations is the make or break for him, so you’re watching closely.
But when it comes to what men want, did you know that they have expectations of you as well?
They’re not always as obvious, but through my dating journey and the feedback from clients, I’ve learned that there are six things guys want you to do, but won’t tell you when you first start dating.
Here are 6 unsexy things men want you to do when you first start dating:
1. Call or text first sometimes
Men know that they should pursue you, but in a world full of so many options, it’s nice when you show some actual interest in them. Sending out a simple text asking how their day has been going a long way in getting you to the top of their list.
2. Ask questions
This seems like a simple one. It’s called a conversation! You wouldn’t believe how many guys complain to me about how little interest women take in them during their dates. The art of conversation is huge and will keep you in the game a lot longer.
3. Take interest in the things they love
Whether it’s a sports team, activity, or their new favorite band, you should take interest in their interests. Let him ramble on about his quarterback, even if you don’t love that team (or sport altogether).
He just wants you to listen to him sometimes, just like he has to listen to some story about your friend’s cousin’s daughter.
4. Plan a date
There’s a lot of pressure put on men to plan dates that are interesting, fun, and creative. It’s nice of you to take that on sometimes and introduce him to your favorite things or try something completely new together.
5. Send a photo (or two)
You know how I feel about men asking for pictures without any real context. I’m not a fan! But I am a fan of sending the unsolicited picture — and so are men. Did you dress up for a girl’s night? Send it to him. He’ll appreciate that more than the one he asked for.
6. Don't use your phone at the dinner table
This request is another very obvious request that we as a culture keep failing at. When you first start dating someone, you want his or her undivided attention. Your Instagram feed can wait, ladies. Leave your cell in your purse and only take it out when he goes to the bathroom.
Fulfill these expectations and you will be the keeper he’s been looking for.
Ravid Yosef is a dating and relationship coach. She is an established advice column writer, Certified NLP Practitioner, and an award-winning marketer.