Additional Expertise
About Quinn Asteak, AADP
I believe that anyone can change, I certainly have as I’ve turned my health around and become certified as a Health Coach. We all just need someone who believes in us, and roots us on along the way.
I want to be your cheerleader!
I spent the majority of my life dealing with weight and digestive issues. You name the diet, I tried it. Yet nothing seemed to work. By 19, I was obese, covered in acne and completely depressed about it.
In my 20s I became focused on my health. I continued to diet, but nothing worked long term. My weight yo-yoed for 7 years until I found myself at the weight I started from, and vowed once and for all to never let myself go like that ever again. Ever been there, ladies?
Since then, I've completely changed my relationship with food. I’ve lost over 35 pounds, madeover my metabolism and I finally look and feel the way I've always dreamed of! My skin is clear, I have tons of energy and my digestive issues have dramatically faded. All the successful steps I took are in my book “Makeover Your Meals: Because Diets, They’re SO Last Season”
Through my journey I found that learning to cook healthy foods lead to a greater sense of control around food. It’s improved my health, confidence and of course, my waistline. Empowering other women to get in the kitchen and do the same is a huge passion of mine so I’ve started hosting monthly Cooking Parties, where we learn simple skills to make cooking a thrill
But I'm still not "perfect". I eat chocolate and a french fry here and there, and you know what? That's OK. I've found a balance that works for me. I've come to terms with the idea that my health will always be a work in progress, as will yours. It's just a matter of finding what works best for YOU. If you’re ready to make some serious changes perhaps one of my private or group coaching programs could be just what you need?
Despite all my body issues and insecurities over the years I chose to work in the most body conscious industry there is: FASHION! For nine years I worked as a stylist, slaving away at a slew of popular fashion magazines, and working to uphold a completely unrealistic standard of beauty. It is now my mission to undo those convoluted messages, and help young women learn to love and respect their own bodies.
I've been on more photo shoots than I can count and I'll let you in on some top-secret information: models have cellulite too! There is no such thing as a perfect body.
Through it all I've always had a voracious appetite. But instead of food, I now crave information. It took me years to sort through all the conflicting information in the media, but I can help you do it in just a few months!
I received my training as a Health Coach at the world's leading nutrition school, The Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City which is the only nutrition school integrating all the different dietary theories combining the knowledge of traditional philosophies like ayurveda and macrobiotics with modern concepts like the USDA pyramid, the glycemic index, The Zone and raw foods.
I am certified by the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and Purchase College, SUNY as a Health Coach and I am a member of AADP, American Association of Drugless Practitioners. Some of my teachers include: Deepak Chopra, Andrew Weil, AnneMarie Colbin, Joel Fuhrman, Barry Sears (The Zone), Neal Barnard, Arthur Agatston (South Beach Diet), Sally Fallon, Mark Hyman, Andrea Beaman, David Katz, John Douillard, Walter Willet, Marion Nestle, Harville Hendrix and many, many more.
In 2004 I graduated magna cum laude from New York University's Gallatin School of Individualized Study. There I had an academic concentration in Identity Theory, which involved an in depth look at the ways in which we communicate our identity via visual signifiers. Interesting combo, right?