The One Karmic Lesson We All Face On The Road To A More Peaceful Life
Focus on what's working and allow this to fill up your world.

This week, I had an experience that made me think about my triggers and personal life story. I believe that ultimately we all face one karmic lesson that, if mastered, helps us live a peaceful life.
I was out on the trails with my very energetic pup. It was early morning and cloudy. We almost had the entire place to ourselves.
My companion lets me know when bobcats, bunnies, or other wildlife are near. On this particular morning, we heard some coyotes off in the distance. My dog paused and looked in the direction of his cousins' song.
After the howls and yipping, our world returned to calm.
Before long, the tranquility was shattered by a very large, off-leash dog baying loudly as it chased a coyote across the desert floor. The coyote was running for its life.
Separated by a deep wash, I watched the dog pursuing the coyote and a woman chasing the dog. The primal sounds of the two animals caught in a life and death situation triggered something deep within me.
What is the karmic lesson here?
I love the wildlife and consider myself a guest of the Earth. I wanted to take control of the situation. That, alone, is funny. It stems from my desire to have people keep their dogs on leash.
This was a lesson to remind me to focus on what I love, not what irritates me.
The one karmic lesson many of us are learning is that we can’t control the world by thinking about the perceived problems. This leads to suffering.
Ironically, the only way we can change our world is by mastering our thoughts and reactions.
Focus on what's working and allow this to fill up your world.
When we are at peace, we create a loving world and are blessed with a balanced life.
When we think about what we don’t like or don’t want, we tangle those thoughts into our life experiences.
Oftentimes, there is judgment or fear behind our likes, dislikes, and desire to control.
The judgment of others can be reflected back to ourselves. What are we looking to control in our own life?
Fear is a negative motivator.
Fear is a also great motivator for attempting to control an outcome or other people.
To help displace fear, we need to believe there is something greater than ourselves and this life. Step back and remember that love, peace, and compassion is always an option.
Have you mastered the art of allowing versus controlling?
Think about the many areas of your life. This might include your relationships with money, people, food, etc.
How many of these areas do you feel completely open in, without wanting to control anything?
You might need to look deeper. Are there any areas that have a tinge of fear that leads you to act a certain way?
Do you find yourself focusing on the problem instead of what is working out perfectly?
How can you learn to allow versus control?
The first step is to clean house.
Only let people into your inner circle that are positive and contribute to your balanced life. Monitor your thoughts.
For example, If work is challenging, focus on the part that is positive. Watch that aspect grow.
Where your attention goes, energy flows.
The take-home message is this: The part of your life that gets your attention and thoughts grows the fastest. Think about what you love!
It took about five minutes, but my dog and I made it to where the fracas was going down. The woman had wrangled her dog in. And my dog probably thought I was crazy.
We stood there for a bit and then the coyote popped up out of the wash about 10 feet from us.
He stopped walking and looked over at us. I felt relieved knowing he was OK. After he trotted on, we began our walk home.
This was a great lesson for me. Focus on what I love the most, the animals and the healing energy found in the wild part of our world.
Polly Wirum is an intuitive, life coach, and writer. She helps people connect to the energy of peace via intuitive reading, life coaching, or live channeling sessions. For more information, visit her website.