Face Pattern Recognition The Key To Understanding People

The shape of the face indicates the strengths and challenges in relationships.

Face Pattern Recognition the key to understanding people

Face Pattern Recognition the Key to Our Inner Blue Print
We all read faces and we do so from the moment we meet someone. We search the face for clues that helps us get a sense of the person you are thinking of dating.  The face serves as the exterior design of our inner blue print. This blue print gives us immediate insight about what makes people tick and why.

According to published statistics, 60 percent or more marriages fail. Couples get so caught up in the early emotions of the relationship that they blind themselves to the differences that may arise later. This impacts their children, if they have any, tremendously, as does the conflict that comes up during and after the separation process.


Understanding your own traits and your partner’s personality traits, represents the first step toward creating a meaningful relationship. Knowing more about each other’s traits will not provide miracles, nor will it magically transform your relationship. The information does, however, provide a map to assist you on your personal quest - not for ultimate answers - but toward an inner understanding of yourself and how to communicate with your partner most effectively. This helps create and support a long-lasting relationship.

Learning how to use Face Pattern Recognition will help you gain a better understanding of your own traits and be able to recognize the behavioral tendencies that create challenges within the relationship. People are who they are. Moving in together or getting married does not mean your partner will change his or her ways. The more couples know about the person with whom they are thinking of living with, the better the chances of the relationship working.


We all have challenges; how we handle them and the way we communicate will make a significant difference in the quality of our relationships. If you care enough about each other, then be prepared to work out the differences that are bound to come up.

A knowledge of Face Pattern Recognition, can help you understand yourself and your significant other, thus assisting you in maintaining a healthy and strong relationship. For example, after Jeffery attended my workshop, he realized for the first time how his criticism was impacting his marriage (This is indicated when the outer corner of the eye is lower than the inner corner),The day after the workshop he caught himself criticizing his wife and immediately apologized. He became more aware of how his critical nature was effecting his wife. We are who we are and when we're aware of the impact we are having on others, we can choose to modify the behavior.  This applies in our personal and business life.

I highly recommend that couples contemplating living together or getting married have a Relationship Profile prior to the commitment. This assessment can be made in person or from photographs. It gives couples a “heads up” before making a  commitment and saves lots of hurt feelings, time and money. Why go through the pain of trial and error when a small investment may help to smooth out or avoid those bumpy times?

Check out your date with a Relationship Card Deck - Click on the following link or paste in your browser.  http://www.naomitickle.com/private/relationshipProfile.htm
