Marvin Berenson, MD - Expert
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About Marvin Berenson
As a retiree I have retained a perpetual sense of youthfulness and aliveness and have lived an exciting life and an even more exciting retirement.
During many years of clinical practice and teaching, I have gained an enormous understanding of the human condition. For the last twenty years of my practice I specifically focused on mature adults acquiring much additional knowledge and insight about this rich and varied time period. Opening a new world to retirees became my passion.
I saw the need for a book for retirees that would encompass the ideas, mental imagery techniques and exercises that I have successfully used to enhance creativity, improve artistic and literary skills, help athletes maximize their performances and treat various physical and emotional problems. And so Dynamic Retirement came into being. It fits precisely into my belief that people can change their thinking and behavior by following certain guidelines.
I have a lifelong interest in creativity, mental imagery, sexual behavior, spirituality and hold a firm belief that no one should live life unfulfilled or stymied by inner or outer obstacles. I have devoted my life to helping many people overcome barriers, and thus freeing them to lead happy and meaningful lives.
I have watched as people grew and flourished and am convinced that by knowing how to overcome negative mindsets people are capable of changing how they think and how they live. If they want to change, change is ahead. They only need to know the techniques and methods to pursue a new path.
I am Clinical Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry at the USC Keck School of Medicine and have been a Training and Supervising Analyst with the Los Angeles Society and Institute of Psychoanalysis. I am a member of the American Psychiatric Association, the American Psychoanalytic Association, the International Psychoanalytic Association, and the Alpha Omega Alpha Honorary Medical Society.
I live with my wife, Irene, in Palos Verdes Estates, California. Together we share the love and friendship of six children and eleven grandchildren. Among my many interests are writing, painting, sculpting, composing, gardening, hiking, reading, movies, playing the synthesizer and drums, play-acting and surfing the Internet.