5 Things You Must Try Before Turning To Mood-Boosting Medicines When You're Depressed
These are worth a shot.

If you're suffering from overwhelming sadness, you want to alleviate your sadness as quickly as possible. But depression is much more than just sadness. It's debilitating and can throw your life off the tracks.
But instead of giving up, there are plenty of methods for how to deal with depression. Here are five surprising ways that those who suffer from feelings of depression can help themselves to heal, without medicines weighing on your spirit.
1. Change your thinking.
Examine the thoughts that trigger sadness more closely, even write them down, and then consciously construct a more rational alternative thought. You don't have to think like a positive Pollyanna, but if your thoughts are unrealistic, then a more realistic thought will help you feel better.
For example, when you are home alone and think, "I feel so lonely all the time," this thought could be re-framed as, "I feel lonely at times by myself at home, but I also get to do what I want, when I want." This language is less absolute and considers the positive side of being alone, as well.
2. Change an underlying negative belief system.
Negative belief systems keep you mired in depression. When we have such a belief system, we tend to look at the world through a depressing filter. We find evidence that supports those beliefs and ignore that which doesn't. Often what we tend to ignore is just as, if not more valid.
For example, I have seen several clients with themes playing out in their lives such as, "I'm not good enough," or "I'm not worthy." These fundamental beliefs can hijack your thoughts, sabotaging your efforts to get better. But you can change them over time.
Help yourself by recognizing whether you have such a belief system that is causing your depression. If so, an experienced mental health professional with cognitive-behavior training is best to assist you with further change.
3. Be proactive.
Many people wallow in their depression, even though they know some actions can make them feel better. For instance, it's well documented that exercise helps alleviate symptoms of depression. But sufferers of depression often put off exercising until they "feel motivated." If you wait to feel "good" to exercise, you'll probably be waiting a very long time.
On the contrary, when you force yourself to engage in a "feel good" behavior, you start to experience the small successes that will break the negative cycle and put you onto a more positive trajectory. Acting "as if" or "fake it 'til you make it" is an age old behavioral technique that demonstrates this positive feedback loop, as well.
4. Externalize your depression.
Your problem is separate from you, so treat it as such if you want to learn how to deal with depression. You can even choose a name for the problem, like "The Dark Cloud," or "The Agitator." Give it an identity outside of yourself.
You can also ask yourself, what does "depression" make you do? What rules does "depression" make you live by? Does it make you stay in bed all day, or isolate you from your loved ones? Attribute the unfavorable aspects of depression to this separate entity, not to you.
Externalize it so you can separate it from who you are underneath, or who you want to personify. Recognize that if you don't find a way to differentiate it from who you are, depression can become so internalized that it becomes seen as the only truth and story you can tell about yourself. It prevents alternative views or possibilities. The problem is the problem. You are not the problem!
5. Find exceptions to times you feel depressed.
Perhaps, there's are periods of time in your life or even a day during the past week. What was different during those times? What was happening that you may have overlooked?
If your depression is chronic, think about the times you best cope. What specific thoughts or behaviors are you doing when you manage depression well? These exceptions are clues to what can help you feel better, that you may have initially failed to notice. It is well established through research that talk therapy, combined with medication can offer a lot to help someone dealing with depression.
Can't seem to get out from under a dark cloud? Marni Feuerman is a Licensed Psychotherapist with extensive experience in the treatment of depression. Contact her at marni@thetalkingsolution.com to create a personalized treatment plan and help you heal from situational or chronic depression.