How To Balance Your Chakras In 9 Steps
Your energy is important.

Over time, stress can take a toll on your emotional and physical well-being. Constantly running on adrenaline can greatly wear the body down. We all know this, but what can we do about it?
Beyond diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes, there are ways to actively manage your own spiritual energy and greatly enhance your sense of well-being.
We sometimes think that our energy is at the mercy of associating with others (often called “energy vampires”). Instead, by using simple practices, you can proactively build, deepen and manage your own energetic field.
What is chakra balancing?
Chakra balancing is a type of energy healing that specifically focuses on channeling positive energy into your seven chakras.
When you balance your chakras, you're essentially removing any stagnant energy within your body and helping your chakras flow at a healthy rate.
This practice comes from ancient India where the belief in a series of seven chakras, or energy centers, began. Chakra is the Sanskrit name for "wheel," and if part of the wheel is damaged, the wheel is useless.
Chakras are a system and, when one section of that system is locked, the other sections must overcompensate for that, which eventually throws the entire system out of whack! So, it's important to get all seven chakras balanced.
What happens when you balance your chakras?
When you balance your chakras, what you're doing is removing obstacles within your body's energy that is blocking the flow. It's getting rid of the mental and physical stress you're holding within you that is interrupting the flow of energy that your body needs in order to function.
According to ancient Indian belief, balancing chakras helps your body function properly. Having balanced chakras can elicit great benefits for your body including physical improvement, being more open to new experiences, and the ability to adapt more freely to whatever life throws your way.
How To Balance Your Chakras & Recalibrate Your Spiritual Energy
This simple energy calibration trick is intended to help you balance your chakras — wheels of energy that look like cones pointing into our bodies. The practice uses visualization to work with all seven chakras.
Spend 15-20 minutes daily practicing this simple routine. Allow yourself time to enjoy and take in this positive balancing of energy.
1. Imagine a bubble all around you.
We have an energetic field all around us, all the time. This is a healthy boundary that we hold, and when others move into our field, it may not be noticed but we energetically react.
Spend a few minutes feeling this bubble for yourself. Does it feel expansive, or perhaps contracted? When we are relaxed and focused, it will naturally be more expansive.
2. Ground yourself.
Bring your attention to the bottom of your feet and even shuffle your feet a bit, creating some friction. Imagine that you fill your bubble with a bright red color and let it infuse your whole self.
3. Open and balance the crown chakra.
At the very top of your head is the crown chakra.
As you bring your attention here, you might start to feel a tingling sensation. Imagine that this chakra or cone is spinning clockwise if you were to look down on your body, with the tip inside your head.
Fill your bubble with white light and allow yourself to feel this light all the way through your body. Take your time and enjoy this delicious sensation.
4. Open and balance your third eye on your forehead.
The third eye chakra is located between the eyebrows and is associated with deep blue or indigo colors.
This cone spins in a clockwise direction if you were to look at your forehead. Imagine the tip is inside your head.
This chakra opens the gift of sight — to see energy around others and objects, or to see images inside your mind’s eye. Relax your forehead and your eyes; look at the world with “soft eyes.”
Fill your bubble with the color of this deep blue indigo, and allow it to permeate all of you.
5. Open and balance your throat chakra.
The color associated with the throat chakra is a teal blue color. This not only helps you to confidently speak about your own needs, it also deepens your ability to listen to others.
6. Bridge your energy from the crown to the heart.
Imagine a beam of light coming down from the crown into your heart. Imagine your heart chakra opening and blossoming. Feel the expansion in your chest area. This is the feeling of deep and unconditional love.
The color here is bright green. Let this fill your bubble and enjoy the feeling of expansion.
7. Open and balance your solar plexus chakra.
The solar plexus is right under where your ribs join, under the heart. The color of the solar plexus chakra is bright yellow and is associated with our own individuation, the gift of our unique personality in this lifetime.
Imagine this chakra spinning and balancing with perfection. This is the seat of your own personal power.
Fill your bubble with this bright yellow energy. Enjoy the feeling of your own self, deepening your self-confidence, gifts and talents that you have to offer.
8. Open and balance your sacral chakra.
The sacral chakra is located below the belly button, even with your hips. The color associated with this chakra is bright orange.
This is the seat of our creativity and sexual energy. You can also sense the emotions of others through this chakra.
Fill your bubble with this vibrant orange. Feel the energy of your own imagination and the desire to create.
9. Bridge the energy from the crown to the heart, and down into your legs and into the Earth.
Imagine the beam of light coming from your crown chakra, through your heart and your body, and now continue to travel deep into the core of the Earth.
You have created a solid core through your entire body and through your entire energetic field. Breathe deeply and allow yourself to feel this energy field. You may feel some tingling throughout your body, and feel relaxed and energized at the same time.
As you go through these steps, you may notice that one step is a bit more challenging. On that specific step, you might want to surround yourself with the color of the chakra in the clothes you wear, the foods you eat, or even the paint color in your workspace space.
All of these things will help you deepen and strengthen your energetic field. On the days when you're feeling stressed or encountering difficult people, you can take charge and positively impact your own spiritual energy.
This can reduce stress, increase mental clarity, and enhance your own well-being and health. Your body, your loved ones, and your mind will thank you!
Marijo Puleo holds a Ph.D. and M.A. in Psychology. She is a somatic trained coach in energy and is the host of the Mindful Living Spiritual Awakening podcast.