The Ancient Miracle Healing Technique That Will Resolve Any Conflict
This Hawaiian reconciliation practice creates miraculous transformations.

It's so difficult when we are in the middle of heartbreak, grief, or hurt to find the healing and wholeness that we are so desperately looking for.
Therapy is amazing — tears can give us physical relief, but there's one simple but powerful concept that originated in Hawaii, a spiritual practice called Ho'oponopono, which is absolutely transformative in conflict resolution and forgiveness.
What is ho'oponopono?
Ho'oponopono (pronounced HO-oh-POH-no-POH-no) is a traditional Hawaiian practice of forgiveness and reconciliation. It is often used as an apology. Kanaka, or native Hawaiians, do this practice with one another to resolve any sort of conflict.
The Hawaiian word “Ho'o” means cause, while “ponopono” means perfection. It loosely translates to “causing things to move back in balance” or to “make things right.”
Ho'oponopono was first used back in ancient times as a spiritual practice that involved learning to heal all things by accepting "total responsibility." Benefits of the practice include cleansing the body for forgiveness, reflection, repentance, gratitude, and revealing emotions.
How To Practice Ho'oponopono
The true traditional practice of Ho'oponopono is a ceremony to bring people together when there are arguments or when something wrong has been done. It has evolved into a simplified series of four affirmations that you can do to heal and mend rifts with others or to support healthy self-love.
By repeating these words of affirmation, you can shift your mindset and the energy around a situation to heal your own and other people's hearts so you can come to a place of true unconditional love and reconciliation.
These affirmations can be said to make amends to people you may have wronged, to forgive those who have wronged you, to your higher power, or to yourself when you haven't loved yourself unconditionally.
Before you begin this practice, first think about to whom you will be sending this energy. You don't need to say these affirmations to the other person face-to-face. In fact, most Ho'oponopono affirmations are done from a distance, but that doesn't reduce their power.
It's important to say the affirmations out loud as you think about the argument or rift you've had. Saying them aloud, even if you say them quietly, will have a much greater healing effect than just thinking about them.
With that said, here are the 4 positive affirmations from the Ho'oponopono practice. Repeat these four affirmations as you reflect on the situation and see what enlightenment they bring up for you.
1. "I'm sorry."
The first affirmation is one where you own your part of the disagreement.
Even if someone has done something to you or you've neglected yourself, there is a part that you played in the drama. Saying "I'm sorry" helps you to acknowledge your contribution to the quarrel.
2. "Please forgive me."
After owning your part in the division, saying "Please forgive me" is a way of reaching out to touch the soul of the other person with gentle and loving energy, and asking them to reconcile with you.
Be sure to remember your remorse from step one as it plays an important part in the ceremony.
3. "Thank you."
The third affirmation is one of gratitude.
By having gratitude for the person, the situation, and for the possibility of reconciliation, you're able to look at the blessing in the scenario.
4. "I love you."
Love is the greatest power there is. By saying "I love you" to your enemy, to yourself, or to the universe, you are healing your own heart as well as the situation. You are giving yourself and the other person a supercharged dose of spiritual medicine.
There are many kinds of situations that can be healed by practicing Ho'oponopono.
It will help you think about your issues in new ways. You can most certainly say the words when you've had an argument with someone else, but it also helps to practice them when you believe someone has done something to hurt you.
As you progress in your practice, you may see ways that you have been less-than-kind to yourself or ways that you could have done better for our earth and its inhabitants.
Saying the Ho'oponopono affirmations as you encounter sad or uncomfortable situations will elevate you on your spiritual path. In fact, as you practice, you'll be surprised by the miracles in healing, comfort and spiritual awakening that you manifest, and how quickly and effortlessly they come.
Madame Pamita is a tarot reader, rootworker, teacher, author, a maker of magic, music, and mischief, and the proprietress of Madame Pamita's Parlour of Wonders in Los Angeles.