Lucia Capacchione, ATR, PhD - Expert
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About Lucia Capacchione
Lucia Capacchione, Ph.D., ATR, REAT, is a best-selling author of eighteen self-help books and educational work books, including The Creative Journal, The Power of Your Other Hand, Recovery of Your Inner Child, Visioning: Ten Steps to Designing the Life of Your Dreams and The Art of Emotional Healing. She is a Registered Art Therapist and Expressive Arts Therapist with an international private practice on skype. Dr. Capacchione leads public workshops and trains professionals through her year-long Creative Journal Expressive Arts Certification Program.
Internationally acclaimed for her groundbreaking work in accessing the brain's right hemisphere, her techniques result in brain balancing and opening up communication between the hemispheres through writing and drawing with the non-dominant hand. She originated the Creative Journal Method, Inner Family Reparenting work and the Visioning® collage process for life and career planning. Dr. Capacchione is a pioneer in healing and recovery through creative expression and an expert in Inner Child work applied to relationships. She is a practitioner of Voice Dialogue and the Psychology of Selves and Hellinger's Family Constellations and Structural Constellations work. Her Inner Child Self-reparenting method was showcased in “Cease Fire,” a feature length film produced in Iran by award-winning director, Tahmineh Milani. It broke all box office records in Iranian cinema history shortly after its release in 2006.
Having discovered her method while struggling with a serious illness, Dr. Capacchione developed effective techniques for trauma treatment and pioneered support groups for Cancer, AIDS, and HIV-positive. Her certified graduates include teachers, nurses, therapists, marriage counselors, healers and health practitioners, career/life coaches, addictions counselors, ministers, childbirth educators, cancer support group facilitators, Veterans Administration group leaders, creativity and business consultants. As a job out-placement counselor and management consultant to industry, Dr. Capacchione created talent development programs for ten years at the Walt Disney Company (theme park designers at Imagineering).
Dr. Capacchione books on journaling for children, teens and parents are used in counseling centers, childbirth programs, and elementary and secondary schools.
Under a federal grant, she developed a program in Basic Skills Using Arts in elementary schools in southern California (Asian/Hispanic bi-lingual populations). Reading and math scores increased as much as 20 percentile points in one year. Her Creative Journal method was used in south Texas in the Mission schools (K-12) on the border of Mexico. In her government funded program in this 97% Hispanic population (one of the poorest urban districts in the United States) results included: academic gains, social and emotional growth, and reduces tardiness and absenteeism. An elementary school Creative Journal research project in nearby Edinburg,Texas, resulted in 6 academic distinctions for the pilot elementary school, as well as fewer behavioral referrals to the principal’s office. In addition, there were no physical symptoms of stress on standard testing days. (Test anxiety in children has followed in the wake of “No Child Left Behind” standardized testing.)
Dr. Capacchione has lectured and conducted workshops internationally and been featured in numerous radio, television and newspaper and magazine interviews in the US, Canada and Australia. Her publications have been translated into twenty languages and her work has been endorsed by leaders in the fields of education, psychology and recovery: Jack Canfield, Bernie Siegel, Joan Borysenko, Gerald Jampolsky, Louise Hay, Melody Beattie, Charles Whitfield, James Pennebaker (researcher into the healing power of writing) and the late Norman Cousins.
Dr. Capacchione can be contacted at: