10 Tiny Signs It’s Time To Break Up With Your Employer
It's time to end this toxic relationship.

Are you wondering when to quit your job? If the past year has prompted you to reevaluate many aspects of your life and face some harsh facts about your working situation, you're not alone. According to a survey by Beamery Talent Index, 57 percent of Americans have considered quitting their jobs this year. Prudential's 2021 poll predicts that 1 in 4 office workers will leave after the pandemic, with 80 percent citing a lack of career advancement. Meanwhile, 72 percent are saying that the pandemic has forced them to rethink their skills.
Making a big life change at any time can be daunting, and during a period of economic and life instability, it can be even more nerve-wracking than before. But, just like in a romantic relationship, sometimes the writing is on the wall and the consequences of staying are too stark to ignore. If you're miserable and quite sure that your job is the primary cause, you have to cut your losses and believe in yourself so you can move on to a better position, and maybe even a new career.
Here are 10 tiny signs it’s time to break up with your employer:
1. You're repeatedly hitting the snooze button
Dreading going to work each day and having nothing to look forward to anymore is a giant clue. If you're not passionate about what you do, you're not giving your best. You deserve to get excited about showing up — even on Mondays.
2. There's nowhere to go
If you're longing for a promotion or a transfer, but you're doing the same things day in and day out without growth opportunities, consider whether the organization's size and structure support your career development goals in the long run. If you're being passed up for opportunities you deserve, express your interest or explore new horizons.
3. You've realized your boss is a narcissist
If your boss is a narcissist, run as far away as you can. You can stay and attempt to deal with the negative work environment, but if you don’t have allies in high places or a long track record with the organization, you could end up a casualty.
4. You seem to be invisible
If your boss, colleagues, and critical decision-makers are largely forgetting about you, it's a problem for your career progression. Try to dial up your visibility and make your contributions known, or find an organization that values your talents. There are plenty of companies still hiring for hot skills — not to mention behavioral competencies such as adaptability and emotional intelligence.
5. You feel like a failure
You might be underperforming or feeling like you're not meeting job standards. This can be due to a lack of feedback, unrealistic expectations, or poor job fit, and it can leave you feeling unworthy. You have a unique gift to offer an employer. Staying in a job that doesn't feel good or on purpose is doing yourself — and others — a huge disservice. Put in your two weeks' notice if this is you.
6. Your family doesn't recognize you
If you're spending all your time working and the people in your life tell you you've become a stranger to them, think about whether your employment situation is likely to change. Ask yourself if the pace is likely to make any shifts after the pandemic or whether it's worth the sacrifice to your relationships and your well-being. Everyone deserves a work-life balance that works for them.
7. You find yourself getting angry a lot
If you find yourself venting about your employer, determine what's behind your feelings. Are you frustrated with inaction or daily nuisances? Or is your organization taking advantage or leaving people behind? Often, when values are affronted, emotions flare. Plenty of employers are stepping up and implementing significant changes to create a company culture where everyone can flourish and you can find one that makes you feel satisfied.
8. You feel unsafe
Get in tune with your body and notice whether or not you feel physically and emotionally safe. Your organization must protect you, especially during a pandemic. If they haven't, get help internally from a human resources professional, health and safety rep, or union steward. If your concerns aren't taken seriously, get out! Find a job that offers a baseline of consideration for its employees' health and safety.
9. The job is making you physically sick
A bad job fit or inconceivable stressful conditions can take a heavy toll physically and emotionally. If your situation is too far gone to solve, you need to put your well-being ahead of all else. Get medical or other professional help as needed to increase your resilience while you decide whether it's worth it to stick it out with this company or engage in a job search.
10. Your employer doesn't care about you
If your employer isn't talking about how to engage you in your post-pandemic workplace or seems unwilling to meet your requests for greater flexibility, know that many other employers recognize the value in doing so. You need to believe that your employer cares about you, and according to Ernst & Young, the flexibility of when and where to work is the biggest issue globally right now for employees in deciding whether or not it's time to move on.
If any of the above is true for you — and especially if you're encountering multiple signs — it's time to get a plan together to move on to an employer that supports your professional growth and personal well-being. You deserve to be happy at work and find a new environment in which you can thrive.
Lisa Petsinis is an ICF-credentialed life and career transformation coach who works with women to build lasting life skills — like confidence and resilience — that will help them achieve their life goals.