Additional Expertise
About Susan Mayginnes
I am a Relationship Alchemist.
I help people turn mediocre, lackluster or “pretty good” relationships into inspiring, whole-hearted, passionate adventures. As a relationships trainer and transformationalist for over 30 years, I have helped thousands of individuals and couples create relationships that sustain high levels of love, joy and sexual energy through my unique programs and special tailored tools.
Co-founder and former Director of Training for a large personal growth organization, I teach skills that help couples turn every relationship interaction into an opportunity for greater love and transformation. I also offer individual coaching for people to discover for themselves the bigger truth of who they are and what they really want. Discover what impedes the flow of positive energy in your relationship and your life and discover ways of thinking and acting that offer the possibility of something greater. I will bring you “postcards from the edge” – wisdom and teachings from people who have successfully generated relationships like this, as well as my own personal experience. This is not to offer a canned, formulated way to doing relationship, but rather an exploration that invites you to discover your own secret formula for personal happiness and fulfillment.
Romantic love for a lifetime is not a fantasy, it is something that must be nurtured and kept alive through skill and knowledge. I will teach you how to do that.