5 Reasons Why Listening To Your Favorite Music Can Completely Reduce Your Stress
Music helps change the focus of your brain.

When you're dealing with trying to figure out how to reduce stress in your daily life, there is one thing that can make everything better for a while: listening to music.
It’s been a long day. You weren’t able to take one break. You're stressed out and you just want some relief. What’s the best thing to do when you get home?
Turn on some tunes and relax. Let the sounds of your favorite music sink in.
Or, you are about halfway through the day and you are starting to lose your focus. Take a break, put your headphones on, and listen to some tunes.
What are some of your favorite songs? Do you like listening to relaxing music or maybe sounds in nature, like the ocean or birds chirping? Or maybe you find classical or the latest releases more calming?
Whatever you decide, just stop what you're doing and start listening to music. This helps change the focus of your brain, especially if you keep the music positive. Don’t listen to something that will make you cry through the whole song.
If you're still skeptical, here are 5 benefits of listening to music that can help you with stress management:
1. Music helps you think more clearly
This is also known as The Mozart Effect. The University of Irvine did a study that showed students' scores increased after listening to Mozart. This might be because of the processing of music shares some of the same pathways in the brain.
But, this doesn't stop with just Mozart. Make music a part of your day, every day.
I know for me, music can instantly cheer me up. Whether I am listening to music alone or with a friend, I absolutely love it.
2. Music is a source of relaxation
Studies have shown that when people listen to music, it can actually help reduce stress.
People are getting more and more stressed out. It’s become an epidemic. This is one simple thing you can do to help reduce stress in your life.
Start your day by listening to relaxation music in the morning, rather than watching the news.
3. You can sit back and let music heal
You are always in a rush. I challenge you to turn on some music, put away your cell phone, and stop watching the clock. Just sit back and see what happens. Your body will begin to slow down.
Also, when you're coping with stress, try and clear your mind. Stop worrying about your "To do" list. You will have enough time to do everything that you need to do. You aren’t running out of time.
4. Music can help improve your mood
When listening to positive music, it has been known to help make you feel better. The next time you are feeling blue, play your favorite song.
If you’d like, start singing along. You will start to feel your mood and your body change, almost instantly. When you feel like life can’t get better, turn on some tunes.
It might make you remember some positive memories about your past. Rather, than dwelling on negative ones.
5. Music will help you slow down
Are you always in a rush? Do you feel like time is running out? If you answered "yes" to either of these questions, then you definitely need to listen to some tunes. Think back to when you were in college or that age.
You would hang out with your friends, not doing much. Maybe, you were listening to a new song and just talking. It was a lot of fun. What happened to fun?
Not only will music help with stress relief, but it can also bring the fun back in your life if you need it.
Everybody would like to reduce stress in their life. But, a lot of people feel it is impossible. The first thing you need to do is take a look at your mindset. If you tell yourself, you will never reduce the stress in your life. Then, you never will.
Now that you know how to reduce stress, take it one day at a time. Add a 10-minute music break to your day. Listen to music in your car. Invite your friends to a concert and have fun.
Lianne Avila is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, in San Mateo, CA who has helped many of her clients reduce stress and have more fun in their life. For more information, please visit Lessons for Love.