10 Sharp Ways To Improve Your Mind And Be More Focused, According To Research
Incredible focus and discipline are yours to have, if you follow these tactics.

Several techniques may help improve concentration, focus, and your overall mind — some with more research support than others. However, different methods work for different people, so it may help to try a range of techniques.
Becoming more mentally focused is achievable, but that doesn't mean it's always quick and easy. If it were simple, then we would all have the razor-sharp concentration of an elite Olympic athlete — sadly, we don't — but there are sharp ways to improve your mind and focus, all backed by psychological research.
Here are the ways to improve your mind and be more focused:
1. Go easy on yourself
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I say this to many of my clients. Why is it that we are so hard on ourselves? I can't believe the things people tell themselves. If they said this to others, people would think they are crazy or they would hate them.
2. Focus on your strengths
JLco Julia Amaral / Shutterstock
We tend to do the opposite. We all have our strengths and our weaknesses. And, that's alright.
Nobody is perfect. Make a list of ten of your strengths. Ten is not a big number. Start today, and then tell others about your strengths.
Focusing on one's strengths is essential for increased happiness, well-being, productivity, and self-confidence. Individuals who actively utilize their strengths tend to experience greater life satisfaction, reduced stress, and a more positive outlook than those who primarily focus on their weaknesses.
A study published by Personality and Individual Differences explained that when individuals consistently use their strengths, they experience positive reinforcement, further motivating them to continue developing and applying those abilities.
3. Stop reviewing hurts from the past
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This will only bring you down. We have all been hurt or let down. This is a great way to learn. When you continually review your hurts from the past, you are re-traumatizing yourself. If you continue to do this, it can lead to depression.
4. Be assertive
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Don't be scared to ask for what you need or want. This doesn't mean you have to walk over everyone in the process. The first step is knowing what you want and then taking action.
You can't do everything alone. You will need help along the way. It's important to be around people who respect your assertive attitude.
Being assertive is highly important as it promotes positive outcomes such as improved self-esteem, reduced stress, better communication skills, and stronger relationships.
A 2021 study concluded that it can even alleviate symptoms of depression by allowing individuals to express their needs and opinions confidently without aggression or excessive self-doubt.
5. Be a learner for life
Arthur Bargan / Shutterstock
Maybe, you went to college and you feel like you don't need to learn anymore. The truth is the learning begins after college. Take advantage of courses that will compliment your skills.
This is also a great to meet people and network. Even if it feels outside of your comfort zone, try it. Maybe, your boss wants you to take a course in project management.
You may wonder why or feel it has nothing to do with your job. Go ahead and try it, you will definitely learn from the experience.
6. Get enough sleep
Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock
Sleep is very important. This is how the brain and the body recharge. When you haven't had enough sleep, you will make more mistakes.
I know you want to watch the last episode of Severance. You can always watch it later.
Your brain will appreciate it when you get enough sleep, and so will the people around you. Research has highlighted the critical role of adequate sleep in maintaining cognitive function, emotional regulation, and overall mental health.
2021 research showed that insufficient sleep can significantly impair memory, decision-making, attention, and mood control and increase susceptibility to stress, anxiety, and depression. Getting enough sleep is vital for optimal brain function and emotional well-being.
7. Identify things you love and do more of them
Rido / Shutterstock
Spend time with people who enjoy doing the same things you do. Take time to get to know them well. Invite them to coffee or out on a hike.
Remember, not everyone is friend material. You aren't going to click with everyone, and that's alright. It's important to know what you love. This will help feed your soul.
8. Drink plenty of water
Yuri A / Shutterstock
I also say this one a lot. Water flushes toxins out of your body and helps you concentrate. It will also help hydrate your skin and body.
This is one of the basics of self-care. Make sure you always have a water bottle with you. It will also decrease your chances of getting sick.
A 2018 study concluded that drinking adequate water is crucial for optimal cognitive function. Dehydration can negatively impact mood, attention, memory, and overall mental performance, potentially leading to increased irritability and decreased energy levels, even with mild dehydration. Individuals who drink less water tend to report higher levels of depression compared to those who stay correctly hydrated.
9. Use positive affirmations
Prostock-studio / Shutterstock
This is a great way to change your inner dialogue. The next time you feel like telling yourself something negative, change it to a positive affirmation.
For example instead of saying "I'm a fat mess", say "I'm beautiful inside and out."
This will help you feel better about yourself. There are many affirmations you can say. Pick a few that you like and focus on them during the day.
10. Make time for self-care
Chinnapong / Shutterstock
This means you need to put it on the calendar. Start by setting five minutes aside for yourself. Make it part of your daily routine.
I suggest trying it in the morning. This way you are fresh and won't have any interruptions.
Say a positive affirmation, meditate, or play with your pet. Then, on the weekends when you have more time, schedule a massage or go on a hike. Nature does wonders for your mental health.
You need to stop putting yourself last. We really can't take care of anybody else, unless we have taken care of ourselves.
Start adding these simple steps to your life today. We can't control the people around us or the world we live in. But, when you are taking better care of yourself it will give you a better outlook on life.
Self-care activities can reduce stress, improve mood, enhance emotional regulation, increase resilience, and improve overall mental and physical well-being. They are also a preventative measure against burnout and mental health issues.
A 2022 study demonstrated the effectiveness of mindfulness practices like meditation in reducing stress and improving overall mental health, highlighting the importance of incorporating such self-care techniques.
Lianne Avila is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist. She is dedicated to helping couples and has completed Levels 1, 2, and 3 at The Gottman Institute.