7 Days Of Sex: Episode Three-Peat
7 Days of Sex sees continued successes on Episode 3. Couples learn to ignite the sparks and connect.

7 Days of Sex, a new Lifetime reality series, is giving new promise to married couples around the country. The underlying premise of 7 Days of Sex is that couples who promise to have sex seven consecutive days in a row will experience greater intimacy and understanding, along with a renewed spark in the bedroom. Viewers witnessed major success stories on 7 Days of Sex – Episodes 1 and 2, and the momentum kept rolling right through episode three. 7 Days Of Sex - Episode 2: Success Reigns
In Episode 3 of 7 Days of Sex we follow two couples as they go through the 7 Days of Sex mini-experiment. Ari and Barry have been married three years and report that they are no longer having sex often enough. Barry is a powerful businessman, and Ari is a former Playboy bunny. Although they do not have children, they have what Barry describes as a “zoo” of animals, including cockatoos, dogs, and hermit crabs.
Roland and Brittany have been married for just over a year, although they have been together for much longer. They have a newborn son and a child to care for. Roland is a pilot while Brittany stays home to care for the children. Roland reports that, “sex was crazy” when they first started dating, but now they are not having sex as often with the demands of a newborn baby at home.
Day by Day Summary of 7 Days of Sex – Episode 3:
Day 1: Roland is celebrating his 41st birthday and is excited about getting some birthday sex on Day 1 of 7 Days of Sex. He states, “this shouldn’t even count, we should extend it another day!” Although Roland and Brittany are tired after a long day, they have success on night one.
Ari talks with her girlfriend about 7 Days of Sex, and discloses that Barry used to make her feel sexy, but that he just doesn’t seem to notice her anymore. Ari states, “he’s more likely to jump on a business call than jump on me.” Day 1 of 7 Days of Sex is a success for Ari and Barry, although Barry jumps right on a business call after the sex is over.
Day 2: Roland and Brittany find a twenty minute break mid-day and are extremely excited to have Day 2 of 7 Days of Sex completed so early on in the day.
Barry has a talk with Ari about her zoo of animals. He wants them to stay out of the bedroom at night, and Ari states, “if you take everything away from me that I enjoy in my life, then that’s not going to put me in the mood.” It is clear that Ari has developed an emotional attachment to her beloved pets. Barry puts up a gate at their Malibu mansion to keep the animals downstairs. Mr. Biggles, the dog, whines and moans for a long time, but eventually things turn quiet and Day 2 of 7 Days of Sex is a success.
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Day 3: Brittany asks Roland to stay home with the kids and cook her dinner while she goes out with a friend. Brittany wants Roland to, “appreciate how much work and time it takes.” Roland ends up turning the kitchen into a disaster zone, and the mashed potatoes are completely messed up. Although dinner was not “sexy,” Brittany still appreciates the effort that Roland put forth and Day 3 of 7 Days of Sex ends with a check mark.
Ari wants to get down and dirty so she puts on some sexy lingerie for Barry. They end Day 3 of 7 Days of Sex with DOUBLE success!
Day 4: Roland surprises Brittany with a limo and a night on the town. It feels like old times for the couple, until they get a phone call from the babysitter that their newborn is awake and crying. Their video cam shows the couple still awake at 2:48 a.m. with their crying baby. Although Day 4 of 7 Days of Sex was a fail for them, they still get an A+ for effort.
Barry takes Ari to a motel, although Ari is disappointed when she realizes there is no bell hop, no valet, and the doors to each room open to the outdoors (gasp!). Ari hopes that the room will get prettier with “wine goggles on.” Day 4 of 7 Days of Sex is a success for Barry and Ari, partially because they were away from their normal environment of computers, business calls, and barking animals.
Day 5: Roland’s competitive side shows as he wants to make up for yesterday’s fail. He prepares a nice card and lunch for Brittany. He also lets her take a nap while he cares for the kids. Day 5 of 7 Days of Sex is an all-around success for Roland and Brittany.
Ari and Barry are still at their motel and complete their Day 5 sex in the morning hours. Barry tells Ari “you pop my cork” as he pops open a bottle of champagne.
Day 6: Brittany wants to recognize Roland for all the nice things he’s been doing for her this week, and she lets him pick out any piece of lingerie for her to wear that night. Roland reports that night 6 of 7 Days of Sex was “EXCELLENT!”… “lingerie does it for me.”
Meanwhile Barry prepares a nice bath and champagne for Ari, and they enjoy a romantic evening together.
Day 7: 7 Days of Sex Vow Renewal Ceremony Highlights
Brittany - “I promise to be open to going out more. I promise to focus on us and making us a priority.”
Roland – “I promise to take you out. I promise NOT to make you dinner, but I will make you lunch.”
Ari – “I vow to keep things fresh and exciting between us in the bedroom.”
Barry “I promise to always put you above and beyond business. I’m yours forever and a day.”