How To Save Money After Divorce: 50 Hot Personal Finance Tips For The Smart Single
Your post-divorce life is all about saving that money, honey!

Divorce is not only a heartbreaking moment in your life — it's also one of the most expensive.
Learning how to budget your money and manage finances might be new skills you need to learn while you're going through the divorce process.
Unless you're a multimillionaire, divorce causes a massive hit to your lifestyle. Suddenly, you have to find a way to do a whole lot more with a whole lot less.
But saving money doesn't have to be stressful. By amending your personal finance habits, you and your wallet can survive the whole process.
So, here are 50 savvy tips on how to save money during and after a divorce.
1. Make a budget.
Even if you don't stick to it religiously, just knowing where your money is going can help you spend it more wisely.
2. Cut up your credit cards (or leave them at home).
If you don't have a way to pay for what you see, you can't impulse shop.
And if you see something you really and truly need that you can afford, you can always come back with money later.
3. Use credit card points.
If you do keep a credit card, choose one that allows you to accumulate and use points.
Points are a good way to earn perks, like free airfare on a vacation you otherwise couldn't afford.
4. Sign up for every free rewards program you can find.
Grocery stores, retail stores, and credit card companies often offer rewards programs.
Take advantage of every free perk you can get!
Here's a tip to keep you organized: Set up a special email account and have all of your rewards programs email you there.
5. Keep track of your money.
Overdraft fees are like burning money.
Try to keep track of what you have in your bank account, and do your best to live within your means.
6. Pay your bills on time.
Just like overdraft fees, late fees and interest charges waste your money. If you know you can't afford to pay your entire bill on time, pay something.
You may still get charged interest, but at least you will eliminate the late fee.
7. Pay off your credit cards with the highest interest rates first.
Pay the minimum on every credit card, but put any extra cash you can find towards paying off credit cards with the highest interests rate first.
Then, cut up that card and start paying off the card with the next highest rate. Don't stop until you are debt free.
8. Stay out of stores.
Yes, sometimes it really is that simple.
If you don't see it, then you'll have zero temptation to buy it. Period.
9. Shop in thrift stores and flea markets.
You'll be surprised at what you can find in thrift stores.
Not only can you get gently used household goods, books, clothing, and toys there, but sometimes you can find unique items you like much better than what traditional stores offer.
10. Sell what you don't need.
Have a garage sale or sell stuff on eBay.
If you have things that have been sitting around the house for years that you never use — sell them.
11. Rent a room in your house.
This won't work for everyone.
But, if you got the house in the divorce and you have an extra room, consider renting it to make some extra cash. It's particularly useful if you live in a college town, especially if there's a basement in your place or a separate entrance.
12. Ask for a raise.
Do the best job you can. Be willing to go the extra mile. Then, after a while, ask for a raise.
Your boss may say no, but you never know unless you ask!
By taking on new responsibilities, you may also grow to the point where you can also go somewhere else and get a better job!
13. Re-calculate your payroll deductions.
Once you're divorced, you will be filing your income taxes as a single person and, perhaps, as head-of-household.
Re-calculate the amount of payroll taxes that are withheld.
You can increase your take-home pay just by lowering your withholding. Just make sure you don't under-withhold! There are penalties for that.
14. Take public transportation.
While this isn't the best option if you live somewhere where public transportation isn't great, if you do have this option, it is a way to save money on gas and parking.
15. Eliminate carry-out.
No, you don't have to kick your coffee habit. You just have to get an insulated cup and start bringing your own coffee to work.
16. Bring your own lunch to work.
Not only will you save money bringing your lunch to work, but you will also probably start eating healthier when you are not tempted by fast-food choices.
17. Eat in.
Restaurant food is expensive. So is the pre-packaged stuff you buy in the grocery store.
If you buy simple, healthy ingredients you can make delicious, nutritious food for a lot less than what you would pay if you were eating out.
18. Start a garden.
If you live in an apartment, this isn't feasible.
But, growing your own vegetables is cheaper than buying them, plus you can go organic!
19. Re-examine your drinking pattern.
If you do go to a restaurant, having a few drinks with dinner can dramatically increase your bill. Going out to a bar is just as bad.
If you want to save money, consider cutting back on your alcohol consumption. If you must drink, do it at home.
20. Stop smoking.
Not only will you save money now, but you will save your health and a fortune in medical bills later.
21. Re-examine your insurance policies.
Are you carrying coverage you don't need? Is there coverage you can live without?
Comparison shop on premium prices or consider raising a deductible in order to lower premium payments.
22. Consider term life insurance.
Term life insurance has no cash value, but it also costs much less than whole or universal life insurance.
If you need to maintain life insurance, term insurance is probably your most economical option.
23. Examine all of your membership and subscription costs.
Do you really need to get 100 cable channels? What about the magazine you no longer have time to read? Or the Costco membership?
Do you really need all that stuff?
24. Avoid taking out payday loans.
The offers may sound tempting, especially when you need the money, but the real cost of these loans is crazy!
25. Re-examine your phone plan.
Do you really need unlimited minutes? Are you paying for extras you never use?
You can easily compare phone plans online. Getting a more modest plan can save you a lot.
26. Eliminate your landline.
If your cell phone is always with you and that's the number people always call, do you really need a landline too?
27. Cut our utility bills.
Compare different utility rates. You might find a better deal with a different company.
Also, be energy-aware. Turn out lights. Seal your windows with plastic in the winter. Lower your air conditioner by a few degrees in the summer. Install a programmable thermostat.
28. Replace your light bulbs with energy-saving ones.
They will cost you more in the short run, but long-term, they will help you save a lot in your overall energy bill.
29. Unplug appliances you are not using.
Many appliances continue to draw small amounts of electricity even when they're turned off.
To avoid running up your electrical bill for things you aren't even using, don't just turn off your appliances, unplug them.
30. Eliminate the housekeeper.
Forget about a perfect home. Set a routine for getting necessary housework done. Have your kids pitch in more with the chores.
Do what you can and don't sweat the rest.
31. Stop buying expensive cleaning products.
You would be surprised at how effective ordinary products are at cleaning up your house, like vinegar and baking soda.
Of course, you will still need basic cleaning products. But you don't need the fancy, expensive ones that promise to do everything from cleaning your toilet to shining your shoes.
32. Refinance your home.
Interest rates are still fairly low. If you can refinance your home and lower your monthly payment, do it!
If you can take out some equity and pay off your credit card bills too, great!
Just don't take money out of your house and then spend it on something outrageous that you don't really need.
33. Consolidate your student loans.
While this might not always be possible, if you can do it, paying one bill is always better than paying several smaller ones.
34. Temporarily reduce your retirement contributions.
This isn't the most financially sound option, but if you are far from retirement and need cash now, you might be able to temporarily stop or reduce the amount you put towards your retirement until you can afford to ramp your contributions back up.
Note that if your employer matches your contributions, you should only reduce what you are putting towards retirement if you have no other option!
35. Consider a staycation.
You don't have to go on a cruise to have a relaxing vacation.
Stay home and organize cheap or free activities with your kids. Turn off your phone, stay away from the computer, and focus on doing things together.
It could be the best vacation you ever had!
36. Buy generic.
Generic goods, and particularly generic prescription drugs, are usually as good as the name brand.
When you have a choice, choose generic.
37. Pay attention to deals.
Cut coupons. Look at grocery store flyers and sites like Groupon. Take advantage of every deal you can. (Just don't get sucked into buying what you don't need because it is such a “good deal.”)
38. If you're not going to the gym, cancel your membership.
If you really use your membership, fine. Exercise is enormously important. It'll be a great stress release and even a good social outlet.
But, paying for something you don't even use is not good for your health.
39. Find cheap entertainment.
Is there a movie theater near you that offers cheap movies? What about art fairs or street fairs that have free admission?
Museums often have free days and getting your books from a library is much cheaper than buying them.
40. Entertain in instead of dining out.
Invite friends over for a barbecue or a pot luck.
That way, you can still have a fun evening with some company, but slice the cost down significantly.
41. Re-examine your beauty routine.
Can you paint your own nails rather than getting a manicure every week? Can you stretch the time between haircuts from six weeks to eight?
Looking good and feeling good is important, but there are ways to do it that won't cost an arm and a leg.
42. Switch to inexpensive beauty products.
The truth is that most of the difference between high-end beauty products and drugstore variety is marketing.
You would also be amazed at how ordinary products like coconut oil, honey, lemon, and baking soda can become awesome and inexpensive beauty aids!
43. Don't buy as many clothes.
You don't want to look like a frump, but you don't need to have 10 of the same shirts in different colors either.
Buy a few key pieces each season and work with what you have.
44. Repair clothing instead of tossing it.
Sewing is easy and can save you a ton in clothing costs.
Learn to sew on buttons, repair small rips, and fix torn hems.
45. Learn to say "no" to your kids.
Look at the real cost of their activities. Limit them to one activity per season and steer them away from the higher-priced sports and traveling teams when you can.
Sure, if your kid loves to play hockey, it's going to cost you. But, maybe he doesn't need to play all year round.
46. Spend more time and less money on your kids
What your kids really want from you is you — your time, your attention, and your love.
Instead of buying them a distraction or paying to take them out, spend time at home playing board games, video games, or doing things together that everyone enjoys.
47. Use friends, not babysitters.
Everyone needs an evening out now and then. Instead of hiring a sitter, swap babysitting time with a friend.
That way, each of you can take some time away from your kids without having to pay a sitter!
48. Reduce your dry-cleaning costs.
Compare dry-cleaning prices and go for the best deal. If same-day service costs more, plan ahead and go for the standard charge.
Whenever you can, wear clothes you can wash yourself.
49. Volunteer.
Volunteering is a great way to meet new people and do some good for others.
It also helps you realize just how much you really have.
50. Be grateful for what you have.
How you think about money means more than you realize.
By focusing on what you have instead of what you lack and being grateful for everything, you will attract more abundance into your life.
Karen Covy is a divorce adviser, attorney, coach, and mediator. To get more divorce advice, check out her divorce blog on her website.