7 Signs You Have A Problem With Porn
Does porn interfere with your daily life?
![7 Signs You Have A Problem With Porn [EXPERT] 7 Signs You Have A Problem With Porn [EXPERT]](/sites/default/files/image_blog/porn_5.jpg)
There's been a lot of publicity around the issue of porn and its effect on men, women and relationships. With porn so accessible and free, it has taken on a new fervor in the lives of so many people. As with most things that affect certain synapses in the brain, porn can quickly turn from an occasional supplement that heightens one's sex life to an addiction that wreaks havoc and prevents real intimacy. 7 BIG Signs You're Watching Waaay Too Much Porn
Here are seven warning signs that you have become a victim to the allure of pornography:
- If you are masturbating to porn on a regular basis and begin to prefer and/or need that kind of stimulation to achieve sexual satisfaction, you are in trouble and it's time to stop and take a break.
- If your significant other is uncomfortable with you watching porn, it is time to have a candid conversation about how porn is interfering with your committed relationship and what you both want to do about it.
- If you feel like you need to sneak or hide your porn usage and you feel any guilt or shame, it is time for you to seek out help in order to determine what is going on beneath the surface. Help! My Therapy Is Not Working! Now What? [VIDEO]
- If you begin to watch porn in inappropriate places or times, you are no longer in control of your habit. It is now in control of you.
- If you use porn as a means to avoid going out and meeting real potential partners, you are choosing fantasy and isolation over tangible and meaningful relationships. This is not conducive to your overall mental health and well-being.
- If the type of porn you are watching is escalating in terms of violent and degrading acts, you are at risk of becoming desensitized and believing that these behaviors are the norm.
- If you are using porn to self-medicate for depression, anxiety or loneliness, you will be disappointed with the results. Porn may temporarily relieve your psychic pain, but will only exacerbate your problems in the long run. Can Pornography Cause Mental Illness?
Pornography may be a moral issue for some, but in reality, it is a health issue. How porn is used and within what context can determine how helpful or hurtful it can be to any one individual or relationship. Maintaining open communication with your significant other about pornography and if and how it is used within the relationship will help you maintain an honest, open intimate relationship.
Seeking respected, objective outside perspectives on your use of porn will help you determine if porn has become a problem for you. Take responsibility for your overall health and well-being and do both.
Be well,
Julie Orlov, psychotherapist, speaker, and author of The Pathway to Love: Create Intimacy and Transform Your Relationships through Self-Discovery. Retrieve Your FREE Relationship Assessment Quiz and see if YOUR Relationship is on track at www.julieorlov.com. Create Relationships in Your Life That Work — learn more at www.julieorlov.com!
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