32 Character Traits Of Adult Kids Who Have Great Relationships With Their Parents
Someone with these characteristics could change our world.

Character is the set of qualities that make somebody distinctive. It is the outward manifestation of what you believe inside your mind and spirit. It is your nature, personality, and moral fiber.
Your character is the attitude and set of mind that indicates to others who you are and what you stand for.
As you read through this small list of admirable character traits, check the ones that you believe are a part of your inner guidance system.
Do your children and coworkers know that you feel strongly about these positive attributes? Perhaps you should share with them the qualities that make you the person you are today.
Here are 32 character traits of adult kids who have great relationships with their parents:
1. Appreciativeness
2. Courageousness
3. Commitment
4. Compassion
5. Confidence
One of the easiest ways to move through life better is to have high levels of confidence.
According to research, having high self-esteem can result in several positive benefits, including better social relationships, more success at school and work, and improved mental and physical health.
6. Dependability
7. Fairness
8. Faithfulness
9. Flexibility
10. Friendliness
11. Generosity
12. Gentleness
13. Gratefulness
14. Honesty
15. Humbleness
16. Integrity
17. Kindness
18. Love
Love not just for their parents, but for themselves as well.
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19. Loyalty
20. Optimism
21. Patience
The best virtue to have, and the hardest.
22. Persistence
23. Resourcefulness
They have the ability to take charge in any scenario.
24. Respect
For their bodies and themselves, their friends, authority, and even people who are no longer in their lives.
25. Resilience
26. Responsibility for choices
27. Self-control
28. Sincerity
29. Tolerance
30. Trustworthiness
They have an uncanny ability to know who to trust and to be someone other people can rely on.
31. Truthfulness
Even with themselves, especially when it's hard.
32. Warmth and welcoming
They know how to make any place a home, and anyone feels like they belong.
This is just a partial list of character traits and values that could change our society and the world if they were incorporated into the lives of each person.
As teachers, parents, coaches, and adults who work with youth daily, we have an opportunity to parent and mentor the next generation.
The best teacher is a role model. Children, neighbors, and coworkers are watching what we do, much more than what we say.
If we feel that character is important, do we show that belief in action? Do we follow our spiritual compass? Do we want them to do as we do or just as we say?
When you encourage character and heart values in others they will rise to your expectations. Look for what is right and good in yourself and others and more of the same will follow.
It is the Law of Attraction at work. We attract more of what we think about and do. One study that was done on the law of attraction found that there was a strong connection between positive thinking and overall life satisfaction in the participants, kind of like manifestation.
Be the outward manifestation of the character and heart-centered traits you value. Do what is right and you will change the world, one person at a time.
Judy Helm Wright is a parent educator, family coach, and personal historian who has written over 20 books, and hundreds of articles and speaks internationally on family issues, including caregiving.