The People Who Connect With Loved Ones Who've Died Follow This One 'Rule'

Open the door to the other side.

Sad woman hoping to connect with a loved one who has passed away. Pablo Merchán Montes | Canva

The loss of a loved one is a life-changing event. Often, we want to find ways to continue communicating with the person who passed away but may feel limited by what our religious faith allows. When you lose a precious person in your life, it's natural to turn to your belief system for comfort and to want to follow the "rules" of contacting a loved one who has died.  

The reality, however, is there's only one rule for contacting a loved one in spirit: being open to the possibility.


The one 'rule' of connecting with dead loved ones

Religious factors and belief systems often provide rules for just about every area of life, and the afterlife. The rigidity, flexibility of the group, or the dogma of any given faith system may dictate when or whether a person can ever communicate with those on the other side, as explored by an article in the Annual Review of Anthropology.

Some claim that communicating with the dead is dangerous because you cannot be sure you are not communicating with an evil entity. Other systems promote a 40-day rule that states that it takes time for a spirit to acclimate to its new surroundings. Some claim that it takes up to a year. Still, others claim they can immediately communicate with those who have left the earthly plane.


Cultural standards are much the same as religious ones. For some, there may be rituals or signs that indicate that a crossed-over loved one is communicating from the spirit world.

In other cultures, people believe spirits never communicate with loved ones they have left because they have moved to another life in the spiritual plane. Other cultures believe there's no afterlife at all.

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Grief and metaphysical connection don't follow human rules 

Shadowed silhouette of person and plant in front of curtained window Andrii Kobryn vis Shutterstock


Pamela Aloia explained "As a Grief Coach, I have walked with many people through their grief when a loved one died. Yet, here I am, in the muck of the emotional grief roller coaster, despite knowing death is an inevitable part of our earthly existence, nothing lasts forever, and all living things eventually die.

"Whether such a loss is unexpected or something we know is coming, it's never easy to contend with, especially when we have a strong bond or connection with the person or pet who has passed. Research in The Archives of Women's Mental Health showed how Letting them go is not as easy as picking ourselves up by our bootstraps and moving on."

When religious or cultural standards do not feel right or do not appear to be working, many people turn to metaphysics as an alternative philosophy. The reason these rules don't work is that metaphysics does not follow any pattern or set of rules set by human beings or specific religions.

The definition of metaphysics is "the study of existence beyond the physical." In metaphysics, the "rules" of openness, patience, sensitivity, and belief in the afterlife allow you to recognize spirit communication.


Metaphysics enables you to explore and verify to your satisfaction whether a loved one in spirit has communicated with you without the constraint of a religion or culture. You may have your parameters that satisfy your curiosity and want to keep them private.

The problem that metaphysics presents is broad and subject to many interpretations.  Practitioners tend to impose their ideas and opinions that may work for them but not for you. It's wise to use your best judgment when using this philosophy as a basis.

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The only rule that matters when connecting with dead loved ones: Be open

Hand holding burning candle EvGavrilov via Shutterstock


Navigating the different social, religious, and cultural norms that have been set up can be confusing. 

Sorting out the best course of action for you depends upon your attachment to the principles you have been familiar with during your life. Sometimes, breaking away from stereotypes and conventional thinking is necessary.

The dilemma of figuring out the rules for contacting a deceased loved one can be perplexing.

Aloia suggested talking about them, "This may seem like an easy thing to do, yet not everyone is able to openly speak of and express feelings for those who have gone before us. Speaking of those who have passed can be a difficult emotional hurdle for some, especially in the early stages, where we may want to avoid feelings of sadness, despair, loneliness, and bouts of crying."


If you're open to contacting someone who has died, then you have overcome the biggest hurdle of accepting signs that someone wants you to know they are OK in the spirit world.

If you feel you need rules, then it's okay if you're receiving results.

Metaphysics can be a guide for you to follow if you feel like you need some methodology for contacting someone. 

This philosophy gives you a broader path to follow, but it can have its pitfalls because there are broad interpretations set by many different practitioners.

You must use your ability to discern what is real for you and what is not in this area.


The best rule for contacting a crossed-over loved one is to just be open to it, as suggested by research in American Psychologist. It's simple and direct, and it allows you to accept information in a way that's best for you. 

The loss of a loved one is very personal and overcoming the grief associated with it is not easy to do. 

There's no need to make communicating more complicated than it must be.

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John Cappello, M.B.A., is a practicing psychic medium, astrologer, radio talk show host, and author of metaphysical books and children’s books about angels.
