4 Reasons Memorials For Our Lost Loved Ones Support Healthy Grieving
A memorial created for a lost loved one can assist in healing from grief.

Having a memorial for loved ones who have passed is more important now, more than ever.
The loss of a loved one and the grief this experience causes is a life-altering event. Dealing with death forces you to change and reflect upon your life, as well as the need to be proactive in working through your sadness.
In fact, memorializing your loved one can assist you in moving through grief.
Here are 4 reasons why a memorial for lost loved ones support healthy grieving.
1. You're expressing your love for someone you lost.
A visible demonstration of your memories of an important person in your life is part of your healing.
It's part of coping with grief. And it allows you to keep their memory publicly and privately alive.
2. Memorials bring comfort.
A person in spirit can no longer interact with you in a physical manner, but you can dwell on their presence through a memorial to them.
The memorial is a sign that you're adapting to your loss while still remaining connected and bonded with them.
3. You're showing honor and respect.
The person in your life who has gone may have had some struggles in their life. A memorial is a testament to the positives they brought into your life.
Your memorial is an opportunity to share your celebration of their life with others.
4. You accept your loss, but are unwilling to forget your loved one.
The joy of knowing you have a memorial that represents a part of your past that is unforgettable, and it's a part of your core as a person.
A memorial is a bridge or a continuity of your relationship with someone who has died.
Simple or grand memorials?
Memorials can be simple or grand. They can be physical expressions, like headstones, pictures, personal objects, a plant, a tree, or even a lock of hair.
A small object is just as good as a large one to the person or people who are grieving.
Some memorials can be things such as a donation to a project or prayer vigils in the name of the deceased individual.
Famous people may receive a statue, a wing of a hospital, the name of a building, or another grand gesture to remember the philanthropy and goodness of someone.
The dedication of a book is another kind of memorial given to special people.
Intangible memorials.
A memorial can be intangible things, such as a poem, a website, a song, a scrapbook, or a work of art that evoke an emotion. It's not uncommon for organizations or foundations to be created to memorialize the life of another.
These actions represent positive energy that is created after a loss.
The good that a memorial can give to others who are not grieving is immeasurable. A memory of a good person or a quality that someone who has died is inspirational.
The cure of disease in the form of therapies and vaccines are testaments to those who may have perished from an issue that may not have received attention otherwise is the result of a proactive organization formed as a memorial.
Ceremonies are memorial expressions that can be equally important as a physical one. They have special meanings for individuals, families, and groups.
A ceremony can be a bonding moment and help in the healing process from grief.
The celebration of a birthday, anniversary, or the day when a person passed away is often an expression of memorializing them. Graduations or other special days can also be used in this manner.
It's not unusual to set a place at a table during the holiday season to memorialize the happiness of the occasion and the good times once shared with someone you loved.
A holiday gathering may not be complete without a moment of silence or prayer for those who have died. It's a bonding moment for the survivors of a tragedy and an indication of the depth of one’s character.
Memorials can do a lot of good, but they must be done in the context of when a grieving person is ready to create one.
A memorial may not bring the benefits it is intended for when the affected person or persons are unprepared to make a statement of their loss.
The intention of a memorial is to bring healing and not to have the opposite effect.
The timing of creating a memorial is important. A memorial created too soon can be an impediment to overcoming grief.
When it's done at the right time, it can bring happiness and closure.
Memorials are part of the healing process.
They are an expression of love, comfort you while you are grieving, honor and respect, and the acceptance of your loss.
These reasons are virtues that grieving individuals exert during their time of sadness.
A memorial does not need to be expensive.
It just needs to be meaningful to the person who is grieving.
Sometimes, a memory of a person who passed away comes from an advertisement or an expression that someone says is not associated with your loss.
These can be unexpected, cathartic healing moments, because the evoked memory is so strong.
Grieving is a complicated part of life handled individually.
You will have your own unique methods of dealing with loss and grief. Responsible reflection is a virtue that memorials are a part of.
Virtue is a necessary part of healing from grief. Using them provides you with the strength to combat your sadness.
It's not easy to be virtuous, because it appears unattainable or just an idea. But those who have recovered from grief demonstrate them.
Memorials are a part of the process of healing, and your reason for creating one may bring you the peace you need after a loss.
John Cappello is a practicing psychic medium and author of the book "Open the Mind Heal the Heart." For more information, visit his website.