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About Joanne Pugh
Joanne Pugh is the leading authority when it comes to teaching others how to move from feeling paralyzed by fear to a place of powerful change and excitement. Discover how much more relaxed, energized and enjoyable your life will become when you have the skills and strategies to embrace and deal with the ever changing events and choices that you face every day!
Joanne has been studying and practicing self-help techniques for over 20 years and holds a College Diploma as an Addiction and Community Services Worker, Certified Master Life Coach, Certified Self-Esteem Life Coach, Certified N.L.P. Practitioner, Certificate for E.F.T. Practitioner, Reiki Master Certificate, Seichim Master Certificate, and has completed A Course In Miracles.
As well Joanne practises the Sedona Method, Chakra balancing, Meditation, Crystal and Angel Therapies, Aromatherapy, and other energy healing techniques to balance the body, mind and spirit. She attended at Transformational Arts College in Toronto for Holistic healers and was enrolled in the Total Self Program.
On the creative inward side, Joanne has pursued her passion for writing by attending writers workshops and entering poetry competitions. She achieved success when one such competition awarded her publication for her work. Her poem titled, "When Troubles Assail You God Will Never Fail You", was published in an Anthology titled "Natures Echoes". This poem was then forwarded to the next level of competition where Joanne was awarded a second time for this poetry with a recording of the poem being promoted on Cd with nature sounds in the background.
On the outward side, Joanne enjoys the dramatic arts and thrives on any opportunity she gets to perform publicly. She has been in the newspaper and given a television interview to promote a fundraiser she was heading for Covenant House to support homeless youth.
At the age of 39, Joanne found herself learning new ways to deal with the transitions of life. The death of her Father and Grandmother, a divorce from her husband, her eldest son moving a considerable distance away, being a Mom of a 16 year old son, a major career change, along with all the other daily responsibilities in life, led Joanne once again into the depths of the unknown. She found new support systems and healthy ways of dealing with grief and loss and all the ups and downs along the way.
Currently, Joanne is employed as a Front Line Worker at a shelter for homeless male and female youth ranging from 16-26 years of age. Joanne has participated in several Feed The Homeless missions in downtown Toronto and is actively involved with the Criminal Justice System on a weekly basis as a volunteer with the Toronto Bail Program, assisting individuals who are detained in custody as a result of being charged with criminal offences.
Where the future goes from here is still being determined with new goals, new priorities, new dreams being created every day. Joanne is a firm believer that it is not what happens in life that matters but how you deal with it.