How To Create A Peaceful Reality By Being Responsible & Accountable For Your Mindset
You are constantly creating reality with your thoughts and words — so be responsible!

You are the creator of your reality. This is your birthright. You have always been able to manifest with your thoughts and your words.
Once you realize this beautiful gift you were born with and begin to use it to its fullest advantage, you have to take responsibility for the things you create — this is the basis of accountability.
The key to achieving peace of mind and a responsible mindset is by practicing mindfulness.
Perspective is everything.
Humans have the unique ability to observe our circumstances from every angle and make decisions or rationalize based on what we see.
Unfortunately, we often forget to do this when we get so caught up in the drama — we become focused on a single facet of life and lose sight of any other possibilities.
This shrinks our perspective and turns three-dimensional reality into a flat, two-dimensional picture. Our power to change and create becomes lost in the landscape.
Objectivity is a gift.
We may be the only species on this planet that has the ability to observe and reason based on our observation.
I say we "may" be the only species with this gift because I believe it is possible that cetaceans, like whales and dolphins, have it as well. But since we are unable to communicate with them, we can’t know this for sure.
The key is mindfulness.
In order to be good stewards of our birthright, it is important to utilize it with mindfulness!
Take every opportunity to hone your skills of observation and witnessing. As judgment is released, it becomes easier to see that everything and everyone just "is." What follows is that we can then look at every situation we encounter more objectively, from every angle.
As we move into higher consciousness, it is imperative that we release all judgment. Only then can we begin the process of rectifying the mistakes we have made and correcting the effects they have caused for a more peaceful mindset.
So, if you're ready for some inner peace, here are 3 tips to becoming more responsible and accountable for your creations:
1. Cultivate self-awareness.
One of the main keys to happiness and peace of mind is true self-awareness.
Think before you speak or act.
2. Question everything.
When considering perspective, ask yourself and consider the following:
Is it true?
Is it kind?
Is it helpful?
3. Create from the space of love.
Come from your heart rather than your head.
As a photographer would, take a step back and allow your viewfinder to include more information.
When you do this, a beautiful thing happens — possibilities and potentials begin to appear. Ideas that might never have occurred before light up before your eyes.
Pandora’s Box of creativity unlocks and opens for you, and you have choices you can make!
Every facet of life shines a light on a choice, an opportunity to exercise your free will. After all, that is why we chose to incarnate on this planet this time — to learn lessons involving free will.
Don’t waste another minute with "woulds," "shoulds," and "coulds."
Practice using this wonderful tool. Use every encounter to look at every possible aspect and every potential choice to finding inner peace.
Choose wisely! Your destiny depends on you taking responsibility for creating it and making it happen.
Jean Adrienne is an Empowerment Life Coach and the developer of the InnerSpeak™ Breakthrough Coaching Process, a method that creates permanent change for clients in as little as a single session.