Even RATS Jump Off A Sinking Ship!

We’ve all been there – Captain of the Titanic. We know we're on a sinking ship, yet refuse to give up, refuse to dive off theside of the ship and allow it to sink. Why? Because we all WANT to believe, bysome miracle, that WE can save the ship, and ourselves, and get the relationship back ontrack.
So, here YOU are. The more you try, the deeper it sinks. “How can this be?” you askyourself. It was once so lovely and sailing in smooth waters. Where didall these damaging waves come from? How did it get to this point???
Newsflash: you sailed into your waters while not realizing that yourship (or your partner) was steering HIS/HER vessel into totallydifferent seas. Oh, sure, there were times when you were on a parallelcourse, but if you are honest with yourself, most of the time youCREATED the smooth waters.
Now you have no choice but to jump…or grab a lifeboat and paddle offalone. It’s a scary thought, true. There are sharks in those waters.There are fish that pretend to be kind and loving, and then turn intosharks. What may appear to be a beautiful and inviting island can belittered with cannibals that will eat you alive. But, face it, whatchoice do you have? Your ship is SINKING!
You can remain blissfully certain that the sinking ship you’re onwill somehow repair itself. You'll be determined to stick with it, even though itIS filling rapidly with very cold waters. OR you can take a deep breath andjump into a life raft. Surely you know that eventually you will be rescued frombeing left afloat in a lonely raft.
Choose the raft. Don’t hang onto a ship that is so damaged no amountof time or energy is going to repair it. Let it go gracefully.
Read more on my blog, www.janewilcox.com