7 Daily Habits Of Truly Nice People That Make Everyone Else Insanely Attracted To Them
It's hard not to love a person this great.

Have you ever noticed that kind people are incredibly content in their life? That's because being kind to others actually increases our levels of health and improves our happiness.
While over-the-top "nice" people tend to annoy us, genuine kindness is a trait pretty much everyone appreciates and admires. And luckily, there are certain traits these individuals have that make them so attractive to others. You can learn a thing or two.
The habits of truly nice people that make people like them:
1. They are kind to themselves
Truly nice people know that being spontaneous and generous requires having solid stores of your own positive energy. Rather than tearing themselves down, they make it a point to build themselves up every chance they get.
They take care of meeting their own needs first before giving to others, making sure they have enough emotional bandwidth to do so. As a result, receiving from them feels like a true gift.
2. They are grateful
Truly and deeply grateful for life and all its blessings, its challenges and its lessons, in every situation they take time to find and acknowledge the kernel of good, viewing every situation with an optimistic mindset. Not a day goes by that they don't express gratitude for the lives they have created.
They still acknowledge what's challenging, as life will certainly have its ups and downs. But in facing those ebbs and flows that come their way, they strive to help others keep perspective, too.
3. They truly listen
Even when they have something to add to a conversation, they know how to just listen first to what others say. This allows the person talking to feel respected, understood, and truly heard.
One of the most essential habits of truly nice people, these individuals connect fully, listen with interest, and don't censor or talk over what others are saying. They know that when they engage without interruption or adding their two cents, they can form closer relationships with others.
Photo: Centre for Ageing Better / Pexels
4. They are confident
A nice person's self-confidence allows them to indulge their big-hearted nature without expecting anything in return. They aren't performative with their kindness; rather, it's just a genuine quality. And others find this trait incredibly attractive.
Every day, kind people look for opportunities to give someone the benefit of the doubt — and they do. Because they're confident in themselves, they don't need to take others down for every misstep.
5. They genuinely care
Kind people pay attention, and your happiness and well-being are on their minds constantly. But it's not because they expect favors or some kind of praise for their disposition; it's because they truly care about others.
While they respect personal boundaries, they support and celebrate what serves your higher good. They want to know how your day is, how your mom is, and that the people in your life treat you right.
Above all, they want to ensure that you're happy with where you are. And if you're not, they offer a shoulder to cry on or give advice when needed.
6. They are respectful
Nice, kind people thrive on diversity but don’t expect others to share their opinions. They accept your right to your own viewpoint, even if they don’t agree with it. And they would never shame or humiliate someone in any way, whether it's verbally or nonverbally.
They look out for others and try to protect themselves from feeling small in front of them. It's their mission in life to lead with grace, integrity, and regard for the people they love, and even those that are strangers.
7. They laugh often
Humor is probably one of the most useful habits of truly nice people, as it allows them to see beyond their own situations.
Kind people see the humor and irony in situations, without the snarkiness and meanness others typically show. Life is funny, and these awesome people know that sometimes the best gift you can give someone is just helping them laugh and lighten up.
Dropping a witty comment at just the right moment, they are masters of light-hearted comedy. And the best part is that they aren't afraid to laugh at themselves.
Photo: Elina Fairytale / Pexels
Small acts of kindness make a big difference.
Grand gestures don't always mean more than small acts. After all, it’s the "little things" that show an awareness of others (who they are and what they love).
Kind people put their love for you into action, through small, thoughtful gestures that show they care enough to pay attention. Little things like sending cards, making a phone call, buying presents, or anything that makes you think, "Wow, they really care about me."
Life is busy, times get hectic, and we don’t always have time for those extra actions. But we will always have time for kindness because it's the real intention and emotion behind those actions that matters most.
Jan L. Bowen is an author, coach, keynote speaker, thought leader, and facilitator with over 25 years of successful corporate leadership, specializing in helping individuals find their balance.