3 Little Ways To Show Someone You're Interested — Without Saying A Word
Most of us don't have psychic powers, but we do have body language.

When you finally meet someone you like, it’s exciting. You’re ready to shout it from the rooftops and tell all your friends. But, then the hard part. How do you tell this special someone you like them without scaring them off?
It would be great if that person you like could read your mind and that would be the end of it, right? While it’s unlikely they possess telepathic powers, there are other non-verbal cues and communication skills people have used for millions of years you can tap into to express yourself.
Here are 3 little ways to show someone you're interested — without saying a word
1. Make friendly eye contact
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When you like someone, you can’t help but look at them. Eye contact has been a clear signal of attraction pretty much since time began, as shown in research on arousal and eye contact.
Friendly eye contact lasts longer than a mere glance. It has an inquisitive feel about it that allows you to linger and hold their gaze without seeming odd or creepy.
One of the keys to getting someone to know you like them is to show them, not necessarily tell them. Friendly, longer-than-normal eye contact is a great way to get the message across while maintaining a certain air of mystery (which guys and girls love).
2. Show your teeth
The next tool in your nonverbal tool kit is your teeth, or more specifically, your smile. This is by far the easiest way to tell someone you like them — just let it show on your face.
Gone are the days when dour and sour expressions were considered attractive. Your smile is more than an indicator you like someone. It's also an indicator of your inner happiness. A meta-analysis on attraction and enacted behavior helps explain how your smile is a green light when it comes to attraction. It signals delight, which is attractive to others.
3. Laugh with them
I would be remiss if I didn’t give you anything at all to say. Engaging in witty banter and laughing with someone are some of the best signals of attraction, as discussed in a study by the European Journal of Social Psychology.
Another one that works particularly well is offering a compliment to tell someone what you appreciate about them. You don’t have to get too serious about it. You can tell them something simple they did for you that day made you feel especially good.
Remember to keep it light, and allow laughter and playful banter to be simple gateways to letting someone know you like them.
Making a big speech about how much you like someone runs the risk of unconsciously turning the man or woman you're interested in off.
Friendly eye contact, however, is intriguing and your smile is a huge indicator of your attraction. It is a nonverbal cue that has been successful for thousands of years and will work for you, too.
Laugh and the world laughs with you, they say. And they say it because it's true. People are attracted to you when you’re relaxed and confident around them. Too much seriousness is often what scares guys off, in particular. If you avoid stern looks and big speeches, your shared laughter will get you everything you want.
Everyone enjoys knowing someone likes them. The key is remaining aware that it’s often easier and more effective to show them how you feel through your actions and nonverbal communication skills.
James Allen Hanrahan is a dating and relationship coach for women based in Los Angeles. He's also the author of A Life of Love and Dating Advice for Alpha Women.