HOT TOPICS: Editorial Requests For Articles - YTE Members Only
**Please make sure you email us to reserve your headline!**
Articles written on these topics must appear only on YourTango and YourTango's official partners. Email to become a member!
Please stick to these headlines, so we can find them in the system once you've written them - and email us to reserve your headline BEFORE writing. Thanks!
Here Are Your Hot Topics for March 21, 2025
1. 11 Things Women With A Strong Sense Of Self Never Apologize For
2. 11 Signs You Were Meant To Live A Bigger Life Than The One You're Settling For
3. 11 Things Happy Women Stopped Caring About A Long Time Ago
4. 10 Things That Feel Like Self-Care But Are Actually Self-Sabotage
5. 11 Signs You're More Emotionally Mature Than The People Around You
Also note: We have found the articles that get the most reads on them have short introductions - one or two paragraphs. If you want to editorialize or add context, it's best to do that in the list items or after.If you have any questions, please email Joanna. She is happy to help!
(Please feel free to use a different number in any of these articles, the numbers we used here are just for example!)
New Hot Topics every week!
"More Hot topics are available! Email member care for the list!"
A Few Important Reminders:
- Please EMAIL HOT TOPICS EDITOR and let us know that you are starting an article from the list above.
- AND DON'T FORGET, all Hot Topic articles are exclusive to YourTango. That means it cannot appear anywhere else online and can only be reprinted with explicit permission from our editorial team.
- Our editorial team will edit your article ONLY AFTER you have saved and submitted the article.
- Please be sure to focus on the headline and keep your article focused upon that.
- Keep your article clear and well-organized to guarantee optimum performance!
To participate with other ideas:
- If you are pitching your idea, please use this form to send us your original pitch for consideration.
- Once we receive your form, we will respond to you within 48 business hour with notes about how to best proceed with your article.
- If the keyword or article title below are crossed off, we are no longer looking for submissions on those topics. Please choose from one of the remaining items or pitch us your original idea instead.
Remember, please send your pitch using this form to receive approval and support!
Editorial notes to make the most of your articles:
- All pitches other than the ideas listed above must be sent in using our pitch form. You can find it here.
- Stick to the headline so that we can easily identify the post as a Hot Topic. If the title has too many characters for you to save, just add as much as you can and we'll take care of it as soon as we receive the completed article from you via email (see below).
- Your article must be a minimum of 500 words.
- When you publish your article, write HOT TOPICS in the "notes to the editor" section and publish as you normally do.
If your Hot Topic is chosen to be edited and promoted by the editorial team, you will be notified with suggestions to share it far and wide so everyone can find it/read it. Edits are limited to content, typos, SEO help, image changes, and clarity.
If your article requires major edits, or if multiple Experts select the same Hot Topic, we may not promote yours due to time constraints.
Don't worry, though!
If we receive multiple amazing submissions, we will do our best to publish both. In these instances, the first submission received will be edited with the original Hot Topics headline, and the additional submissions will be held slightly and given a modified headline in order to avoid publishing two articles that would essentially compete with each other.
Here's a look at a Hot Topic success from the past!
The One Sign I See In My Practice That Indicates A Marriage Is Going To Last by Expert Jean Walters: 275,000 pageviews
5 Little Ways Men Wish They Could be Loved — Every Single Day by Mitzi Bockmann: 180,000 pageviews
Remember to bring questions/requests/inquires to Weekly Experts Coaching each Thursday at 12:30 p.m. EST. You're also welcome to email Jacqueline at YourTango Experts Member Services with questions/requests.
If you've found this page and are not yet a member of YourTango Experts, please email us to discuss the details and learn how you can get involved. These story ideas are property of the YourTango Experts department!