5 Simple Ways To Embrace A Happier, Healthier Version Of 'You'
It's You version 2.0!

Regardless of where you are in life, you can continue to learn and grow. And, eventually, you'll learn to love your life from just about anywhere.
Intercultural strategist and expat Sundae Bean is a world traveler with roots on multiple continents.
Today, she helps people learn how to thrive in a new culture while loving life.
But, her seasoned advice can apply to more than just moving locations — it can apply to your life if you need more confidence and growth.
Here are 5 steps to say "yes" to growth so you can love your life more.
1. Welcome change.
Today, Sundae and her family live in South Africa. She left a comfortable corporate position in her husband’s home country of Switzerland to introduce their two bilingual sons to a third language and culture.
The change wasn’t easy, but she felt like she was no longer growing. If she was going to continue helping other ex-pats adjust to a new culture, she’d have to do the same.
You may not have plans to leave the country, but if you’re no longer growing, it may be time for a change nonetheless. It’s imperative that you keep moving forward in your life — in your relationships, your career, and your interests.
This may mean letting go of something and restarting a completely new way of living.
When you do, you’ll have to release your fears, trust in your abilities, and embrace new skills you’ll encounter by moving forward.
2. Embrace differences.
Sundae gained an incredible amount of wisdom from her travels, which led her to her career path.
As an Interculturalist, she studies how cultural differences make a meaningful impact when people work together and how their similarities create equilibrium. She believes these patterns help us no matter where we are.
The dynamics of different cultures can teach us a lot about embracing differences in our own lives.
When you work to be in a relationship with others, you become more comfortable with different viewpoints and ideas. This puts you on the path to a richer, fuller life.
3. Prioritize connections.
Every time Sundae moves to a new country, she makes new connections. That’s because regardless of how amazing the locale is, human communication is vital to overall contentment and success.
If you’re on a new path — whether it’s a new job or a new relationship status — you can prioritize connections in three ways.
You can invest in fresh relationships in your new endeavor. Think of one or two meaningful connections. They will create a sense of security, soften your landing, and set you up for success.
Stay in connection with those you’ve left behind. Your deep and true relationships will carry you through whatever life may bring.
And be kind to those you bring along with you. There are sure to be trying moments when things are new.
4. Give yourself grace.
When you make a change in your life, it’s easy to step into a place of incompetence.
For Sundae, this means learning the ins and outs of a new culture, including how to properly greet a stranger or what to bring to a dinner party.
But this can happen right outside your front door. For example, if you decide to take up running, there will be a learning curve. You won’t be an expert at the sport overnight.
That’s why it’s helpful to give yourself grace. Recognize that you will probably be unsteady at first, but there’s always time to grow and learn.
5. Be good to yourself.
Try what Sundae does first with her clients — explore your mindset so you can be good to yourself.
Ask these two questions: "How do I make myself small?" and "How do I limit myself?"
If your sense of self-worth or self-confidence is off, it can be hard to dream big, an essential ingredient to success in any new endeavor.
You, too, can fall in love with your life if you allow yourself to do so.
So, stop telling yourself lies. Then, give yourself permission to ask for what you want. No matter what the change is you’re making, you’re still you — just in a new context.
When you’re ready to say "yes" to something you never thought possible, you’ll be on the way to loving your life — from anywhere.
Hilary DeCesare is the Founder and CEO of The ReLaunch Co. She’s appeared on ABC’s The Secret Millionaire and on major news outlets such as CBS, ABC, Fox, Huffington Post, and Yahoo, and offers several ReLaunch courses and coaching. To connect with her directly or for media requests please email hello@therelaunchco.com.