14 Tiny Habits Of Couples Who Never Leave The Newlywed Phase
How to make a relationship feel new again.

"…By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride." And that’s where the honeymoon phase begins — the joy, excitement, happiness, and high expectations of a wonderful, long, and fulfilling life together. However, the longer you're together, romance begins to fizzle out. But it's possible to get that loving feeling back in your relationship!
What happens after the honeymoon phase is over? Oftentimes, they become closer and truly enjoy the beauty of their new marriage. They hold hands and constantly show public affection. They eat off of each other’s plates. The couple looks deeply into each other’s eyes while professing their undying love and devotion.
Year one passes and it’s like the honeymoon never ended. The happy couple pulls out the one-year frozen wedding cake and relives the wedding day all over again. They are in total bliss. But, as the years roll by, the bliss in a relationship seems to roll away as well.
Why? What happened to that newly wedded excited and happy couple? What happened to the closeness and electricity they once shared? Can they get it back? Can a couple who’s been married for many years reignite the newlywed spark? I believe they can — but both parties need to be willing. So if the embers of your love and passion are fading away in your relationship, how do you bring the honeymoon phase feelings back? Here are 15 ways to make your current relationship feel like it's your honeymoon as a newlywed couple again.
Here are 15 tiny habits of couples who never leave the newlywed phase:
1. They send playful text messages with cute emojis to their spouse
2. They write love notes to their spouse and leave them in places around the house where they can easily be found
Photo: Karolina Grabowska/Pexels
3. They have a special picnic in their home or a place that has a romantic setting or view
4. They find something kind to say about their spouse every day
5. They regularly touch
Remember to be passionate and intimate.
6. They think about what made them fall in love with their spouse and try to recreate those moments
7. They show their spouse that they care about the things that are important to them
8. They compliment each other often
9. They leave the mistakes of the past in the past
Be willing and ready to forgive as well as ask for forgiveness.
10. They say "I love you" often
11. They play their spouse’s favorite love song and dance in their arms
12. They let their mate know that they value who they are
13. They notice the small things that have meaning to your spouse
Extravagant gifts are great but often it’s the small things that reach the heart.
14. When their spouse talks to you about their feelings, they listen
Listen, not with just your ears. Listen with your heart.
Frances Jones is a life purpose coach and Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner (ELI-MP). She is the author of Overcoming the Emotional Stigmas of Infertility: Barren But Not Ashamed.