6 Quotes To Inspire You To Take Action (And Get You Out Of Victim Mode)
Take back your power.

Are you in control of your life, or are you feeling powerless and living in "victim mode"? Do you want to break out of that toxic victim state of mind and be the author of your own life story?
Emily Roberts, MA, LPC, defines victim mentality as "one in which someone blames others for what happens or has happened in their world. It can also be considered a person who thinks the future only holds bad things for them or they are 'unlucky'. It’s buying into and believing that circumstances are beyond your control."
RELATED: Stop Playing Victim To The Circumstances You Created
I did succumb to that dark side of victim mode during various stages of my life. I am happy to report that I have successfully come out on the other side.
I did some digging and discovered that the most profound thinkers and philosophers — from Buddha and Gandhi to my very own inspirational role model, Oprah Winfrey, actress, philanthropist, and motivator extraordinaire — have been coming up with the same solutions to getting out of victim mode.
You can only control yourself. You are responsible for the life you create.
Here are 6 famous quotes from the most brilliant minds to help you break out of your victim mentality and be in charge of your own life.
1. We have to walk the path.
"No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path." — Buddha
That’s right, Buddha said it first, and no one has said it better. The founder of the Buddhist religion and positive thinking, Buddha taught that we are responsible for ourselves.
As my business card says: "It’s your journey, dream big!"
2. Practice positive thinking and view the glass half full.
"You have power over your mind — not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength." — Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor from 161 to 180 ACE, was the last of the "Five Good Emperors," as well as a Stoic philosopher. One of the fundamental principles of Stoic philosophy is that happiness is a choice of free will, and that people should not allow the world’s inflexibility to make those decisions.
3. Write your own life story.
"Nobody can hurt me without my permission." — Mahatma Gandhi
This quote is about taking the power back. You are in control. No one can hurt you other than yourself.
Gandhi, known as the father of India created the philosophy Satyagraha, his "devotion to truth," a doctrine of non-violence to bring change. He led India to independence and inspired civil rights movements worldwide, including Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
4. Focus forward. Change can be empowering.
"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase." — Martin Luther King, Jr.
That’s right — take a leap of faith! Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. used Gandhi’s strategies in the 1960s to protest human rights violations and fight for racial equality in America.
5. Stretch yourself and do one thing a day or month that scares you.
“Where there is no struggle, there is no strength.” — Oprah Winfrey
Find opportunities in life’s challenges. If anyone knows that adversity breeds strength, it’s this awesome lady.
Oprah Winfrey is known as the most famous woman on the planet. Her accomplishments include but are not limited to broadcast journalism, acting, hosting talk shows, philanthropy, and so much more. Her own struggles and triumphs have been an inspiration to so many.
6. Make the jump and write the next chapter of your life.
"Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement." — Golda Meir
Golda Meir was best known for being Israel's fourth prime minister from 1969 to 1973, the world’s third woman to hold the title. She was a true hero and inspiration for women worldwide.
This quote captures many of the preceding kernels of wisdom, including choosing your own path and creating your own happiness, taking a leap of faith, and turning possibilities and challenges into accomplishments.
Ellen Kamaras is a life and organizational coach whose specialties include: Relationship coaching for singles, individuals seeking to reinvent themselves, empty-nesters looking for new purpose and fulfillment, and individuals who want to get “unstuck” but are afraid to take risks.