Dear Dad: An Open Letter To Dads On Father's Day

An expert's special message to all dads on Father's Day


What do I, a woman and your daughter, have to say to you on Father's day? When you let yourself be vulnerable it does not mean you are weak.

Matter of fact, being vulnerable—open, real, alive, honest, sharing "heartfully"—is the most innovative, creative and powerful place to live and work from.

It's so weird dad, women are often criticized because they are too vulnerable or emotional and we, men and women, have been socialized to think—being a male is better, superior, more powerful and women are the second sex, we give ourselves up, we are weak . . . but it's time to wake up dad.


These beliefs are not true. Actually they are destructive. It's time to change them.

It's time to realize that being vulnerable is sharing our humanity with each other, It is not only healing but it is living on the edge and the unknown, it is life changing.

When men, dear dad, and women, both realize that the more we let down our walls, and talk from our hearts, we will know how to love and the world will change.

Dear dad the time is NOW. Contact Lynda Klau, Ph.D. Founder & Director Life Unlimited: The Center for Human Development 1 212 595 7373


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