Dear Mom, Happy Mother's Day From A Son Who Misses You
Missing my mom on Mother's Day.

My mom died on this very day, May 9th, 2 years ago on a day not unlike this one. A warm, breezy, bright, sunshiny Southern day. Some days I still can't believe it. Without a doubt, that was the worst day of my life.
I felt fear, pain, shock, anger, sadness, grief, disbelief, longing and any other word you can think of to describe something like that—all at the same time—I felt it. And I have felt it every single day from that one until this one.
But as Mother's Day approaches this year I'm beginning to notice myself feeling some other things as well. I feel Relief that she's no longer in pain. I feel the Lightness of her being that no matter what trouble or trial came her way it was always handled with grace.
I feel the courage she had to handle every adversity with valor. I feel the overwhelming flood of love she infused into me and everyone and everything she came in contact with.
I feel privileged and honored that out of all the people in all of the world the universe saw fit to allow me, just little 'ol me, the right to call her "mommy." Yeah, I'm starting to feel a little better now.
So please learn a lesson from me. If I may offer any advice for you today it's this. For those of you lucky enough, privileged enough, honored enough to still have your mother around. Celebrate her presence on this day.
If she's nearby, go to her.
If she's out of town, call her.
If she's around the world, Skype her.
If she's in your heart, remember her.
It doesn't matter the type of relationship you have with her. She's your mother. Get over yourself and get to her.
Make every effort to let her know that who she is matters.
When I was an impetuous little boy she'd always tell me, "Life doesn't happen all at once. It happens by degrees. Just be patient and what's for you, you'll get it."
So I'm feeling better by degrees. Thank you mommy. Her love is still helping me heal.
I believe anybody can have anything but no one can have everything.
I'd give everything that I have and all I'll ever have this instant to be able to hug her and tell her how much I love her one more time.
Happy Mother's Day, it was truly my honor.
From your eternally loving and eternally grateful son,
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