9 Health Benefits Of Ginger & How Much To Take Daily
Ginger is a powerhouse plant.

People splash it in their teas, pile it on top of their sushi, and incorporate it into various baked goods — all for a spicy and delectable kick of flavor. But did you know that ginger is capable of a lot more than just flavoring meals?
Ginger is a powerhouse of many beauty and health benefits. This herb has been widely used as a form of traditional medicine in many different cultures around the world because of its ability to tackle many ailments naturally and efficiently.
What are the health benefits of ginger?
Ginger contains more than twelve different antioxidants, making it an essential lifestyle staple for those who desire to live a healthy and happy life. Furthermore, this herb contains protein, essential oils, vitamin C, silicon, manganese, iron and phosphorous.
All in all, the many benefits of ginger are phenomenal. Whether used raw, ground up into tea, or added to your favorite dishes, here are the amazing benefits of ginger.
1. It helps appease irritable bowel syndrome and chronic indigestion.
People who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome will be delighted to know that ginger helps provide relief from some of the symptoms of this condition, including nausea and calming stomach inflammation.
Ginger is also believed to speed up the emptying of the stomach, which can treat those with indigestion. A study found that patients who ate ginger powder before a meal increased stomach emptying by 50 percent.
Whether they take a ginger supplement, use a ginger root in their cooking, or brew a warm ginger tea, the spice has a calming effect on the digestive system and bowels.
2. Ginger is a natural pain reliever.
Ginger can help relieve many body aches. Its anti-inflammatory properties help soothe stiff joints, sore muscles, and can even pacify the symptoms of arthritis and osteoarthritis. In fact, one study found that patients with osteoarthritis in the knee, who took ginger extract, had less pain.
People can even apply crushed ginger and a touch of warm water to their forehead to help get rid of a painful headache.
3. It protects against Alzheimer’s disease.
Those who are at risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease should think about adding more ginger into their diet.
Many studies have shown that ginger prevents the loss of brain cells that typically is a precursor to this condition. By preserving and protecting these brain cells, you're extending the amount of time that you have being coherent and alert.
Another study linked ginger extract to increased memory and improved reaction time.
4. It stops nausea.
Ginger has been commonly used as a natural remedy for motion sickness during air and water travel. Taking ginger for nausea fights the symptoms of motion sickness, so you won't have to worry about feeling dizzy.
Other studies indicate that ginger can relieve vomiting and nausea in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy, as well as morning sickness in pregnant women.
5. Ginger helps clear sinuses.
For sinus relief without having to purchase expensive over-the-counter medications, turn to ginger!
Ginger contains various nutrients that greatly benefit the sinuses, working to unclog them and promote drainage. A hot cup of ginger tea will provide you with all of these amazing benefits.
6. It may even help prevent cancer.
There are certain cancers that ginger has been proven to help treat, including prostate and ovarian cancer.
Research has shown that ginger can even completely destroy ovarian and prostate cancer cells. The various vitamins and minerals found in ginger also help prevent cancer.
7. Ginger treats menstrual cramps.
Ginger is an antispasmodic, meaning that it has the power to treat cramping — even those that are related with being gassy.
One study found that women who took ginger powder for the first three days of their periods had greatly reduced pain. When compared to over-the-counter medication, ginger was found to be just as effective in relieving pain.
8. And it may also lower risk of heart disease.
Though one recent study found that ginger powder lowered blood sugar by 12 percent, reduced markers for oxidized lipoproteins, and improved HbA1c, larger studies are needed to further support this claim.
9. It's linked to lower cholesterol levels.
Multiple studies, including one from 2008 and another from 2014, found that ginger lowers triglyceride levels, total cholesterol, and even LDL cholesterol levels.
While there are a multitude of benefits of ginger tea, ginger root, ginger powder, and even ginger water, like anything you eat, it's important to know how much to take.
What are the side effects of ginger?
Taking ginger in small doses, or in your food, doesn't come with any major side effects.
However, individuals are advised to not exceed 5 grams of ginger per day, as this can cause heartburn, upset stomach, irritation of the mouth, and gassiness. Applying ginger to the skin can also cause a rash.
In addition, taking ginger in high doses can interact with medications for diabetes, as well as blood thinners.
How much ginger should I take daily?
Simply, it depends what method you use to ingest ginger.
For instance, those taking ginger for arthritis should only have 2 grams per day, divided into 3 doses. Pregnant women should take no more than 1 gram per day, while children aged 2-6 should ingest no more than 2 milligrams of ginger root, specifically, per day.
Christina Marino, DAOM, L.Ac, is an acupuncturist, homeopath, nutritionist, functional medicine practitioner, and intuitive energy healer whose practical and philosophical approach focuses on healing the whole person. Find her on Facebook or more information.