Traveling Solo? How To Meet Men On Vacation
Check out this five-step formula for meeting men while you're away from home!
![Traveling Solo? How To Meet Men On Vacation [EXPERT] Traveling Solo? How To Meet Men On Vacation [EXPERT]PERT]](/sites/default/files/image_blog/traveling_woman.jpg)
So, you're traveling solo. What's a girl to do? There are five crucial things to consider when you are traveling single, especially if you want to meet some men along the way. You want to grab your cute comfy shoes, your smile and some great wrinkle free clothes. Not to mention some social skills you must develop. Below is my five step formula to help you make the most out of your travels while single!
1. Get connected to people, not your smart phone.
If you have to get connected, at least do it in a busy coffee shop where there are lots of other people checking their Facebook notifications. When you're traveling single, you have so many opportunities to meet interesting men. While you're walking down the street, don't keep your attention on Google maps. Instead, ask a local for directions to the world's biggest ball of yarn.
2. Don't hide those baby blues.
Take off your sunglasses, unless you want to remain in your little sunglasses bubble. This way you can make delicious eye contact with all three of the handsome strangers telling you to make a left at the second light.
In the new town you're visiting, there are loads of new people everywhere. Just keep your eyes open and look around. Enjoy the scenery...and I don't mean just the trees and the mountains. Check out the men and keep yourself open to everyone. It's great being the tourist in a sexy sundress who just doesn't know where anything is!
3. Keep the ruby red lipstick off of your teeth.
You packed your cutest, most comfy, strappy red sandals that will carry you gracefully and in style in your adventure, now you've got to unpack those pearly whites. When you're traveling single, you have to smile. When you dazzle the security guy at the art museum with your ivory charms, it's an invitation for him to smile back and start a conversation. Keep things fun and flirty with him; he's probably not going to be your new husband.
4. Rendezvous with strangers.
Make a point to meet as many people as you can when you're traveling solo. Asking for directions is an easy excuse and you can use it all day long. You can also ask locals about the history of the area. Guys love to be useful, especially when they get to show you how smart they are. And when they're pointing you this way or that, you can check out his toned arms and ask him about his gym. You can also ask that cutie who has the best latte in town or where to get the best spicy tuna roll. Maybe he'll ask if you want to share some your time with him over Thai Pho.
5. Meet the bartender.
Look for the purse hanger under the bar at the restaurant the seventh guy told you about, but curb your cosmopolitan consumption. Sitting at the bar — even if you don't drink alcohol — is a great place to meet traveling single businessmen and nifty locals. Bartenders are connecters. They know everyone, or at least everyone knows them.
You cocktail connoisseur is the eyes and ears of the town. They know where the best band is playing and who has supreme artichoke, pesto chicken pizza. I don't want you to blackout and really forget the directions he has given you to your hotel. When you're traveling single, you've got to keep your head about you and only have faux direction forgetfulness.
Traveling single has many advantages, especially if you like to make new friends, hog all the pillows and sleep in the middle of the bed. Making good eye contact with strangers is a very good thing, especially if he's local and he's cute. If you want to learn about how to become an EPIC man magnet, sign up for my EPIC Love newsletter where you will get the tools that will help you embrace your inner EPIC Love. You will also learn in my free eBook How to Stop Pushing Men Away and Get The Love You Want. Being a receptive feminine free-flowing woman is what drives men wild. You will get secret tips, insight and specific tools to help you become the woman that every man