5 Ways Apologize To Your Boyfriend Or Girlfriend So They Know You Mean It
The kind of apology that works.

Whether it was intentional or unintentional, sometimes we simply screw up in relationships — it's a part of human nature. But learning how to apologize to your girlfriend or boyfriend so they know you mean it can help you fix it.
Not all apologies are created equal, and if your partner is holding a serious grudge, you'll need to know the most effective way to say 'I'm sorry,' so that they'll forgive you.
If you want to know how to apologize the right way, here are 5 ways to apologize to your boyfriend or girlfriend so that they'll forgive and forget.
1. Own up to it
There’s nothing more frustrating than when someone refuses to take responsibility for their behaviors and actions, especially when those behaviors and actions caused harm.
Often, we're so willing to overlook and forgive an error in judgment or a transgression, but we tend to hang onto it more tightly when the person who caused the harm refuses to own it. Owning up and apologizing promptly can solve relationship problems much faster.
So, instead of blaming, making excuses, getting defensive, ignoring it, or assuming the other person doesn't need an explanation or apology, take responsibility for the part you played (whether it was intentional or unintentional) and own it.
2. Use their love language
Psychologist Gary Chapman, author of The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts, explains that there are 5 different ways to communicate love. and the secret to a love that lasts is to communicate your love in the way your partner wants and needs to hear it.
So, when trying to fix a major screw up, the same idea applies. It’s not about communicating your awareness, understanding or apology in a way that works for you, but in the way that’ll resonate with the person you hurt.
Do they need a kind gesture or a sincere apology? Convey your message in a way that works for them if you want their forgiveness.
3. Show remorse, empathy, and restitution
According to the Oxford Dictionary online, remorse is "deep regret or guilt for a wrong committed." Empathy is "the ability to understand and share the feelings of another." Restitution is "the restoration of something lost or stolen to its proper owner."
When it comes to fixing a major screw up, these three conditions work beautifully together and lay the foundation for forgiveness. Now, sometimes an action can’t be fixed. But in those cases, is there something you can do to show your willingness to right the wrong?
When used together, here’s what these three might sound like in an apology: "I’m so terribly sorry (remorse). I understand why you’d be upset. I get it and I’d be upset and hurt if you did that to me (empathy). What can I do to make it up to you (restitution)?
Wondering how to save a relationship when your apologies aren't working? Try saying sorry in a way that utilizes these three pieces.
RELATED: The Right (And Wrong) Way to Apologize To Your Man
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