The Addiction That's Turning You Into A Total Narcissist
The devicde that can give you too much of a rush.

The results from cell phone research are in, and the news is scary. Science has proven cell phones are addicting. What's worse, smartphone addiction leads to neurotic and narcissistic behaviors that can ruin relationships, careers, and lives. The problem is so severe that cell phones should come with a warning. So, what are neurotic and narcissistic behaviors, and why are they so bad?
Here's why your cell phone addiction is turning you into a total narcissist:
1. Neurotic behaviors are chronic and people ritualize things to reduce anxiety
Cell phone addicts may become anxious if their cell phones are lost or run out of battery life. When they have their cell phones, technology addicts are likely to check for texts, calls, and emails habitually. These neurotic behaviors are annoying enough to interfere with work and personal interactions, and may even interfere with romantic relationships.
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2. Neurotic behaviors are alarming, but narcissism is an even worse problem
Selfish people are focused on themselves. They dominate conversations and have a hard time thinking about others.
Narcissistic folks always find a way to make every conversation about themselves and leave others feeling ignored and small. Research shows even people with low self-centered tendencies become more selfish with cell phone addiction.
3. Cell phones are so addicting
Harvard Medical School explains that some people are more prone to addiction than others. Addiction causes rushes of pleasure in the brain's reward pathways. Over time, the rush of the addiction becomes irresistible.
Research suggests that the high level of control and personalization in smartphones increases addictive qualities. Cell phone addicts exert complete control over their technological experience. They become excited by one more call, one more text, or one more social media post.
4. Treatment for cell phone addiction is complex
The technology addict must make the conscious decision to give up the addiction. Telephones are critical to modern life so the addict may not have the strength to give up phones entirely. One option is to transfer calls to a landline that does not have all the fancy buttons and apps. If giving up the cell phone is not an option, downgrading to a simpler phone without as many features may help reduce the rush from cell phone use.
5. Realizing the dangers of continued technology use is extremely important for a recovering cell phone addict
Personal relationships and employment are at risk of serious interruption from the neurotic and narcissistic cell phone obsession. Recovering cell phone addicts must reconnect with friends, family, and romantic interests.
Discussing the addiction openly and without shame is the best strategy. For work, recovering technology addicts must review their employer's rules about cell phone use. Most employers prohibit cell phones during office hours. Whenever possible, leave your cell phone in a locker, or car, to resist temptation and focus on work.
When necessary, technology addicts can seek professional help from an addiction counselor, psychotherapist, or psychologist. If the neurotic and narcissistic behaviors are out of control, an intensive treatment plan may require additional help from a sobriety partner or addiction support group.
Parents should consider limiting cell phone use for teens and young adults. Asking family members to turn cell phones off for meals and family time is an excellent way to help children focus on the value of personal relationships, which helps protect them from future cell phone addiction.
Darleen Claire is a Personal Development Coach and Parenting Expert with specialization in Parent and Teacher Education, Clinical Mental Health Counseling, and Exceptional Student Education. She writes, lectures, and trains on effective relationships, healthy families, and great ways to solve behavior problems of children.