10 Tiny Warning Signs Something’s Up With Your Health
How your body alerts you that something is wrong.

Curious if you're healthy? You can count on your body giving you warning signs, and presenting symptoms when something isn't quite right. Many people either ignore the signs and symptoms completely or make justifications for them. For example, if you’ve been feeling overly fatigued and weak the last week or two, you may attribute it to your stressful finals or working extra shifts. While this may be true, your body is still trying to tell you something about your health and wellness and needs your attention.
People are usually considered experts when it comes to their bodies. Since you're the only one who has to live within your body, no one can know it better than you. When something is off or abnormal about your health and wellness, your body will present red flags to let you know some health issues are going on. It’s like a “knock-knock” from your body to your head to help make you aware that something isn’t right. This could range from symptoms of dehydration or lack of salt intake to more serious issues such as heart and respiratory problems.
Here are 10 tiny warning signs something is up with your health:
1. Confusion
Be sure to note times you are experiencing an altered mental status. This could be happening for several different reasons. It could be from dehydration, the onset of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, or a lack of multiple vitamins.
2. Hair loss
Everyone loses hair, but excessive hair loss doesn’t just happen for no reason. Excessive hair loss can be from malnutrition, anemia, or an autoimmune disease. It can also occur because of stress. Make sure to note how often it happens (if it’s not every day) and the times of the year (winter, summer). This will help medical professionals narrow down what to check for and the possibilities of what it could be.
3. Skin rashes
Skin rashes are commonly found in autoimmune diseases. Depending on what the skin rash looks like, it could be characteristic of shingles, eczema, dry skin, dermatitis, or an allergy. Other types of skin rashes can be part of other conditions such as autoimmune diseases or metabolic conditions.
4. Unexplained weight loss
Sudden weight loss can be found as a symptom of many different conditions. This is why it is imperative to seek medical help to find out what the cause may be and how to treat it depending on what the condition is.
5. Bathroom changes
This can be indicative of diabetes type II. It can also point toward gastrointestinal problems. Depending on the nature of change, medical professionals will be able to guide you in the right direction and it is important to seek treatment as soon as possible.
6. Unexplained bleeding
Usually, when someone is bleeding, it is from a wound or scratch and you can identify what caused it. Blood in the urine or stool may mean that there is internal bleeding, which can be very serious if left untreated.
7. Changes in vision
People with diabetes type II often report sudden vision changes, whether it be double vision or seeing "floaters." Nervous system disorders also involve vision changes so you may need to seek a neurology consultation.
8. Overly thirsty
This is also characteristic of diabetes. It is also common in Sjogren’s syndrome, an autoimmune condition affecting primarily the mouth and eyes.
9. Dark yellow urine
This is indicative of dehydration. It could also be an indication of liver disease.
10. Dry/cracked Lips
This is commonly related to vitamin B deficiencies and dehydration. Some signs and symptoms overlap with different conditions and abnormalities in the body. Do not try and diagnose yourself or you may cause yourself to be more anxious about what may be wrong. Make sure to consult a medical professional if you notice any of the following signs and symptoms as well as the persistence of them. Start with a primary care physician so they can guide you on what specialists to see and what tests to start with. Symptoms may be more complex and difficult to diagnose depending on things such as family history, past medical history, social life, and/or environmental factors.
Do not freak out. Just make sure to seek out medical treatment sooner rather than later. The later you wait, the possibility of permanent damage increases. Do not ignore the subtle signs and symptoms you experience. When your body feels something is wrong, it will alert you and your body expects you to listen to what it is trying to tell you. Also, make sure you are getting yearly check-ups and physicals to stay on top of your health and be proactive. Remember, you are the expert on your own body and what you are feeling. Make sure to advocate for it.
Brittney Lindstrom is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Certified Rehabilitation Counselor. She writes about relationships, psychology, and personality topics.