Additional Expertise
About Angela Heise
I am a professional trainer and coach helping my individual and organisational clients develop greater strength in the areas of (self-) leadership the development of social, cultural and emotional intelligence competencies and the creation of a functional, empowering culture. I have spent my whole life dedicated to understanding the ‘why’ behind human behaviour and offer insight and practical tools to help people improve their lives by better understanding themselves and others in my group training and one-on-one coaching sessions.
I was born with itchy feet, and so far have lived in ten, worked in seventeen, and travelled in fifty countries. True to my attitude of a curious explorer, my career has not been a straight path, but rather a winding road. After having studied History and Sinology in Hamburg, Germany and working on my language skills in Beijing, China, I completed my Masters in Chinese American History at the University of California at Berkeley, USA. I then worked as a researcher for the New York Chinatown History project, taught English in Taiwan, ran an Asia-wide business for furnishing textiles from Hong Kong, created national discussions as a TV producer for a sex infotainment program in Germany and managed a complementary health seminar network in Australia.
After I had worked on my self-development for twenty years, I decided to take my experiences and the information I had gathered to make a difference in people’s lives by providing tools that would them help fast track their personal and professional development with fundamental life skills we don’t learn in school: managing so-called “negative” emotions such as anger and frustration, establishing healthy boundaries and fulfilling personal needs while establishing functional personal and professional relationships.
For over twenty-two years, I have been working as a coach with people from all walks of life and on any level of organisation on issues from every area of life and work. As a trainer, I teach (self-)leadership skills to people who want to advance their career by understanding that self-care, empathy and compassion are just as crucial to success and fulfilment as the ability to motivate people and manage conflict.
I am an Accredited Professional Coach; Certificate IV Workplace Trainer; Certified NLP Trainer; Certified Counsellor; Certified Ericksonian Hypnotherapist and Certified de Bono Trainer. I taught business and self-development courses at the University of Sydney Centre for Continuing Education for ten years and was the official representative of the De Bono Institute for New South Wales for five years.
I am a member of the International Coach Federation and the NLP Trainer Registration Board and a charter member of the International Positive Psychology Association. In recognition of my experience, I am a Fellow of the Institute for Learning Professionals.
My work is my life’s passion, so many of my personal interests echo my career – meeting new people, travelling the world, and looking for new experiences and challenges. I am a deeply curious person and am constantly pursuing the self-improvement I coach my clients to achieve also. It’s important to me that I apply all the teachings I share with my clients to my own life as well.