5 Foods To Eat If You Want Your Vagina To Taste Good
These foods are believed to make your vagina taste better during oral sex.

You might be questioning how to make your vagina taste good if you've received feedback after oral sex. Have you ever had a sexual partner go down on you, only to emerge from under the sheets five seconds later, gasping for air? OK, so maybe that’s a bit dramatic, and if anyone's actually done that to you, well, you might just be sleeping with an insensitive jerk.
But let’s be honest: Genitals don’t taste like candy.
How to Make Your Vagina Taste Good
Here's a fun penis fact: Semen contains only 1% sperm. The remaining 99% is composed of proteins, vitamins, sugars, salts, cholesterol and water used to protect, feed and fuel the sperm. That’s the reason why diet can have such an impact on how semen tastes or smells.
So, while good hygiene will certainly improve the overall oral experience for a guy's partner, it won't make the result any more palatable. What a man eats, however, might.
Now that we've got that out of the way, let's take a look at some of the foods that are believed to have an effect on how people with vaginas taste below the waist.
To be clear, as long as your vagina is currently healthy and free of infection, it's going to taste like a vagina. But there are some foods you can eat if you want to change the way you taste and smell somewhat.
5 Foods To Eat That Make Your Vagina Taste and Smell Good for Oral Sex
1. Pineapple or Pineapple Juice
The vagina is acidic. Eating pineapple or drinking pineapple juice, as well as other citrus fruits like oranges or grapefruit, helps to balance its delicate pH balance and add a bit of sweetness to those secretions.
The pH balance of semen is alkaline, so eating acidic fruits will help make it taste sweeter. Because pineapple has more acidity than other citrus fruits, it works the best out of all of them.
2. Cinnamon
Cinnamon, which is an alkaline spice, neutralizes the acidic taste of the vagina. It's also mildly antibiotic, and there's some evidence that it can help treat an active yeast infection. Better vaginal balance means better taste.
There’s a popular myth going around that goes like this: if a guy eats cinnamon, his semen will taste like cinnamon. This is true, to an extent. It won't make semen taste like cinnamon gum, but people says it sweetens the taste. Hey, it works for your breath, right?
Don’t like cinnamon? Cardamom, peppermint, or lemon are also believed to do the trick.
3. Celery
Because celery is high in water and Vitamin C, it works wonders to reduce any bitter taste the vagina may have. Vitamin C is very effective in restoring the ecology of vaginal bacteria and promoting the growth of healthy flora.
That said, if your smell or taste seem really off, drop the celery stick, skip the oral and head to the doctor, as that can mean infection.
Celery, as well as parsley and wheatgrass, has a high chlorophyll content. That's believed to help sweeten the taste of semen along with just about anything else that grows and doesn't stink.
4. Yogurt
Yogurt must contain active live cultures to neutralize the taste of the vagina.
Eating one four-ounce serving of yogurt a day helps add probiotics to the body and maintain a healthy balance of good bacteria in your nether regions. That means minimal taste and odor, not to mention better health.
On the flip side, research suggests men should avoid yogurt. It may work well for the ladies, but yogurt and other dairy products are said to negatively affect the taste of semen. A study out of Harvard University also found that high consumption of high-fat dairy products can reduce sperm quality.
5. Cranberries or Cranberry Juice
Cranberry juice naturally counters bacteria in the urinary tract system. It also helps keep pH levels balanced, which is good for keeping things from getting funky down below.
Cranberry juice increases the body’s acidity, which helps balance the alkalinity of semen. As a result, eating cranberries can reduce the saltiness of semen and sweeten it a bit.
While the foods listed above may help your vagina taste or smell better, there are others that can make It taste or smell worse.
Foods that make your vagina taste bad (the enemies of oral sex)
Red meat: A lot of red meat can create a sharp, salty taste.
Dairy: The high bacterial putrefaction levels in cheese and other dairy products (except for natural yogurt) can create a salty or bitter flavor.
Stinky stuff: Anything that'll give you bad breath or smelly gas is a no-go. That means things like garlic, onions, cabbage, cauliflower and asparagus.
Fish: It'll make you taste fishy (duh).
Junk food: Junk food is loaded with chemicals and preservatives that pollute your body and can contribute to bacterial imbalance. The same goes for fried foods.
What does a vagina taste like?
The vagina has been described as having a metallic, sweet, spicy, or bitter taste to it, while the taste of semen has been commonly described as bitter or salty.
And while a partner who's sexually attracted to you is more likely to be attracted to your own personal brand, keeping things fresh down there is kinda like using breath mints: not necessary, but nice.
Why does your vagina taste like it does?
Many different factors contribute to the way your vagina tastes: your sweat, the breathability of your underwear, the laundry detergent you use, how clean you keep things down there, and what you eat. Where you are in your menstrual cycle matters, too. When you have your period, the iron in your menstrual blood will make your vagina taste more metallic, while during ovulation you're likely to have a bit of a musky taste and scent.
Of course, good hygiene is just a matter of sexual etiquette, but if you have a hunch that your partner would rather slurp down a foie gras smoothie than perform oral sex on you, you might want to try modifying your diet to see if that changes thing up.
The Bottom Line
Can a vagina ever really taste like a cupcake? Um, no, it can't, and your partner shouldn't expect it to. After all, anyone who's got their face in your crotch probably isn't seeking out a snack.
So think of a fancy crotch diet like dabbing on some cologne: it's something you can do to please your partner, or they can take you as you are.
Either way, as long as you're clean and healthy, your sexual juices should taste just fine.
Chiara Laurie is an author for Kinkly who loves to explore every aspect of life, including the human body and its remarkable abilities. She aims to produce riveting articles that will help anyone become more comfortable with one of the most awkward topics in history — sex