Woman Accused Of 'Making A Scene' When Her Sisters-In-Law Announced Their Pregnancies At Her Birthday
It wasn't the right time.

A woman is feeling guilty about how she reacted to her sisters-in-law announcing their pregnancies at her birthday party.
Posting to the subreddit "r/AmItheA--hole" (AITA), the woman, 24, explained in her Reddit post that her boyfriend, 24, has two sisters, Emily, 30, and Diane, 32.
Both Emily and Diane are married and trying for a baby.
Diane had first announced her pregnancy during a Mother's Day get-together with their entire family, gifting her "mother a baby shoe and a positive pregnancy test."
While the woman was happy for her sister-in-law, she still felt sad since she isn't able to get pregnant.
The excitement doubled after Emily then announced that she was trying for a baby with her partner.
"I texted them both saying, 'Congratulations, I'm happy for you. It's a bit weird for me and my boyfriend because we recently learned that I'm sterile. I hope I didn't cut the mood but I'm really excited for you both,'" the woman wrote.
After sending the text, the woman's sisters-in-law assured her that everything was fine.
However, the woman noted that "Diane lost her baby 2 months after this party."
Eventually, the woman, her boyfriend, her sisters-in-law, and her boyfriend's mother met for a "girls' night."
It was there that her boyfriend's mother offered to throw the woman a party for her birthday.
While the woman agreed, she explained that her birthdays have always been tough for her.
"When I grew up, my parents always made my birthdays about them. They never invited my friends or close family. They always invited their colleagues and friends, they had big parties where they drank a lot of alcohol."
The woman specified that she didn't want a big party, and only wanted "close family" there to celebrate with her.
Despite the woman's protest about having a big party, it ended up being an affair with about "40 people" in attendance.
Everything was going fine, minus the attendance mishap, but things took a turn for the worse during the gift-opening portion of the night.
When it was her sisters-in-law's turn to give her their gift, that's when they announced their pregnancies.
"I opened it and it was a [size small] shirt saying 'Best future aunt.' There was also, written with a marker pen 'X2'. The package also contained 2 positive pregnancy tests and a photo of them both touching their bellies."
When the woman asked if they were both pregnant, and Emily and Diane confirmed that they were, she began to cry.
"I had a panic attack. When I came back, everyone was happy and they were all congratulating the pregnant couples. I felt really sad. My boyfriend talked to his parents and we left the party without saying anything to anybody else."
Since the party, the woman added that she's been receiving "nasty texts" from some people in her boyfriend's family, accusing her of ruining Diane and Emily's announcement.
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Most people who commented on the woman's Reddit post agreed that she was NTA (Not The A--hole).
"It's your party and you can cry if you want to. I think your [sisters-in-law] both knew that you can't have children, right? Why would they want to co-opt your birthday to make it about them?" one user wrote.
Another user chimed in, writing, "It's already bad manners to hijack someone's event for your own announcement."
"But them hijacking your birthday and making your literal birthday present their pregnancy announcements knowing you can't have children is just insanely insensitive and self-centered.
Nia Tipton is a writer living in Brooklyn. She covers pop culture, social justice issues, and trending topics. Keep up with her on Instagram and Twitter.