A Mom & Son Were Denied Cake At A Birthday Party After They Missed The Singing Of 'Happy Birthday' — So She Left & Took The Gift Back
She claims that she was just protecting her son's feelings since he was being unfairly singled out.

A mother received strong reactions on Facebook after revealing that she left a birthday party early, taking the gifts she bought with her after a disagreement with the party's host.
Many people praised her actions, claiming they would have done the same if they were in a similar situation.
The mother and her son were denied cake and ice cream after they missed the singing of ‘Happy Birthday’ to the birthday boy.
Sharing her story on Facebook, Karia James revealed that she and her two-year-old son attended a friend's birthday party.
According to James, the only food that was being served at the party prior to the birthday cake was chicken wings, hot dogs, and fries. “There’s nothing wrong with that, but my baby doesn’t eat that,” James wrote.
Photo: Diego Cervo / Shutterstock
She decided to leave the party for a few moments to pick up a meal from McDonald’s that her son could eat. “When we got back, they had already sung happy birthday and cut the cake,” she wrote.
Since James and her son had missed the song, the birthday boy’s mother denied them both from having cake and ice cream. The mother, who James says she considered a close friend, told her that “the cake was only for people who sang to and celebrated her son.”
Since James and her son were banned from enjoying cake with the rest of the party guests, she decided to leave early, but not before ensuring that her “friend” would regret her actions.
The woman decided to take back the birthday gifts she had brought to the party.
“I said, ‘Oh okay,’ grabbed my baby and the gifts we brought off the gift table and we left,” James wrote.
Afterward, she received a text message from the mother of the birthday boy criticizing her for her actions. “She texted me after the party and said I was wrong for taking his gifts back,” James shared.
“There were only five bags on the table but when I left, I took the four bags we brought so essentially the baby didn’t have anything but one gift from the party.”
James asked other Facebook users if she was in the wrong. She believes that she did the woman a “favor” by not “acting like a fool” at the party after she was denied cake and instead silently taking the gifts back and leaving.
She added that she informed the mother that she and her son were getting food at a McDonald’s down the block from the party after he could not eat any of the food provided. “I didn’t just walk out, I let her know we were going to the McDonald’s at the end of the block and we were gone for no more than 20 minutes before we came back,” she wrote.
Additionally, James claimed that her intention was not to hurt the birthday boy by taking back his gifts. “Taking the gifts back wasn’t really to punish the child cause he didn’t see me take them or even put them there for that matter,” she wrote. “It was to teach my child that we don’t support or be nice to bullies.”
James says that the four-year-old birthday boy told her son that he could not have any cake since his mother barred him from having any.
Many people agreed with James for taking back the gifts and praised her for sticking up for her son.
“I would’ve grabbed my gifts too! Let that baby play with the leftover cake,” one user commented.
“You are not wrong! I felt like she purposely sang Happy Birthday while you were gone; then tried to play you in front of everybody at the party thinking she was going get one off on you. I’m glad you’re teaching your son how you set boundaries with ppl at a young age!!” another user wrote.
“If my baby can't have cake, your baby can't enjoy my gifts,” another user noted.
James sent a scathing message to her former friend after the incident. “You played in my baby’s face over that same f-–king cake and ice cream though. He’s 2 and I’m always gonna protect his feelings,” she said. “I’m not leaving gifts for a mf’s child who purposely singled out and denied my child all cause he didn’t want no hot dogs.”
While James was just protecting her son as any mother would, the people who will likely be affected by this incident the most are the children, one who was denied cake and ice cream, and the other who was denied his birthday gifts.
It is crucial that parents model appropriate behavior for their children, including birthday party etiquette, so that they do not associate what was supposed to be a celebratory event with hurt feelings.
Megan Quinn is a writer at YourTango who covers entertainment and news, self, love, and relationships.