Landlord Explains Why He Proudly Evicts Single Mothers From His Properties — 'Nobody's Protected, Sorry I'm Not Sorry'
"If I start giving passes to single moms with three kids, guess what, they start telling their neighbors."

A landlord has sparked criticism after admitting that he has no problem evicting certain people from his properties.
In a TikTok video, Tom Cruz, a landlord and real estate investor with hundreds of rental units, informed viewers that he has certain criteria when it comes to who he allows to live in his buildings, and claims that anyone, no matter their circumstances, can be evicted if the need arises.
He explained why he proudly evicts single mothers who don't pay rent each month.
In Cruz's video, he responded to a comment asking if, as a landlord, has he ever evicted a single mother from one of his properties. "Oh yes, on multiple occasions," he boastfully stated. "Guys, there's nobody protected in my portfolio."
Cruz continued, claiming that he has no issue evicting anyone, including single mothers, the disabled, or the elderly. "This is why, I'm buying in secondary and tertiary markets, these are small places. If I start giving passes to single moms with three kids, guess what, they start telling their neighbors, 'Tom doesn't enforce his own policies.'"
He claimed that if he acts lenient toward one person, it will end up with all of his tenants thinking they can pay rent late or not at all and they'll "get a free pass."
"Before you know it, the entire community that you're renting section 8 in, doesn't respect you as a landlord or as an investor and you're never gonna get your rent on time."
Cruz offered up an example, saying he had gotten a call recently about a tenant who hadn't paid her rent for two months. Both he and the property manager had given the tenant ample opportunity and multiple warnings to pay, and with no other option, decided to send her an eviction notice.
Single mothers are often struggling financially as the sole breadwinner for their households.
While it is understandable that as a landlord if a tenant doesn't pay their rent, appropriate steps need to be taken. However, the lack of compassion and empathy was one of the main problems that viewers had with Cruz's treatment of a tenant, especially for people who may be struggling and have issues paying rent.
For single mothers in particular, according to a 2020 survey conducted by Gallup, 44% of single mothers across the globe said they didn’t have enough money to buy necessary food in the past 12 months.
Landlords also have a social responsibility to provide safe and stable housing for their tenants. Boasting about handing out evictions with no problem sends a message that a landlord is more interested in profit than in fulfilling this responsibility.
Evictions can also have severe consequences for the children involved, as now they have lost stable housing, which will only lead to emotional distress and an increased risk of having to live on the streets or in a shelter.
In the comments section, people agreed that Cruz's outlook on eviction notices shouldn't be so rigid.
"Landlords deserve respect but they gotta have leeway in certain situations," one TikTok user pointed out.
Another user added, "Need to look into it. But my instincts tell me that basic needs like shelter shouldn’t be an investment for income."
"This why I could never be a landlord. I can’t see myself evicting struggling families. This [is] why I'd lose money," a third user remarked.
Cruz's video reminds us that being fair and compassionate matters, especially when it comes to something as important as having a place to call home. The conversation around this isn't easy, but it's something we should all think about. Balancing rules and understanding is a challenge, but it can make a big difference for families who are trying their best.
Nia Tipton is a Chicago-based entertainment, news, and lifestyle writer whose work delves into modern-day issues and experiences.