9 Simple Actions That Make You Look More High Status In A Work Meeting

It's more than just exuding confidence — it's all about respect.

businesswoman with work meeting behind her Dragana Gordic | Shutterstock

Everyone can relate to long, drawn-out work meetings, where they zone out from boredom and exhaustion. But though it might seem like part of the job, there are simple actions that make you look more high status in a work meeting, setting you apart from your colleagues and standing out to supervisors.

Whether it's working on your posture or listening more intently, tiny actions like these can open doors, leaving you with potential new opportunities and a better standing in the workplace.

Here are 9 simple actions that make you look more high status in a work meeting

1. You listen more than you speak

two women chatting while walking together fizkes | Shutterstock

Letting yourself speak out of turn during an intense work meeting isn't always the best course of action, despite how easy it may seem. Depending on the context of the meeting, interruptions or snappy remarks might occur, but rather than reacting and adding to the discourse, it's better to listen. Not only will this make you look high status, but it also shows a high level of maturity, which can improve your career.

According to a study published in Current Opinion in Psychology, there are three steps to listening: paying attention, processing, and expression. Researchers explained that expression is the most important step, as it shows the other person you're paying attention. In work meetings, be sure to nod along and show genuine interest in what others are saying, as it can make people feel seen.

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2. You make direct eye contact and smile

woman smiling at other woman fizkes | Shutterstock

During a boring work meeting, you may have the tendency to zone out and lose focus. Feeling bored and frustrated, many people display a blank face the entire time, and may find themselves distracted with something else. However, if your goal is to look more high status, consider making eye contact and smiling more.

According to a study published in Psychological Bulletin, smiling can make people slightly happier; another study from Self and Identity found that frequent eye contact is associated with confidence in one's own worth.

That said, maintaining eye contact isn't quite simple for many people, as it can feel downright intimidating to look at someone while speaking. However, staying composed and looking directly at someone while focusing is the best way to show them that they have your undivided attention.


3. You speak slowly and clearly

woman explaining something to man fizkes | Shutterstock

When participating in a meeting at work, there's plenty of important information that can easily become lost in translation. After all, having to cover a large amount of topics might make even the strongest people feel tired and overwhelmed. But not rushing through speaking and allowing your co-workers to process what you're saying is a step in the right direction.

Being slow and clear in your speech is the best way to make an impression. According to research in Current Opinion in Psychology, people who respond slowly build deeper connections and convey a deeper depth of listening, making people feel better understood. Make it a point to gather your thoughts, deliver them slowly and clearly, and keep it simple.

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4. You address people by their names

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If you're on a time constraint or are just bad with names, it's easy to forget the very basic good manners of remembering someone's name and addressing them as such. Feeling rushed, people may vaguely gesture to someone or simply say hello, not even glancing in their direction. Though it might be completely innocent, being dismissive and cold can cause co-workers to feel upset and unimportant.

According to a psychological trick, the best way to remember someone's name is to repeat it over and over again until it sticks. Then, once you have those names memorized, be sure to address the person as such. Rather than letting your co-workers see your avoidance as passive-aggressive behavior, be kind and considerate, pay attention to your environment, and address people on a first name basis.


5. You actively contribute without overdoing it

man writing notes on board Ground Picture | Shutterstock

In work meetings, people are expected to give their reports and updates, and brainstorm ideas together. It's indicative of a healthy work environment, as collaborating is important for the overall dynamic of the workplace.

According to Yale University, teamwork promotes listening, improves efficiency, and helps people obtain different perspectives. However, there is such a thing as contributing too much and overdoing it, making your co-workers potentially see you in a negative light. When you don't allow your co-workers to add their own input or you unconsciously take over, it may ruin your professional work relationships.

Working together helps generate ideas and improves concepts. Given the fact that good teamwork reflects positively on the other person's characteristics, people tend to step back to make themselves look more high status.

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6. You disagree respectfully

two women disagreeing while discussing paper work Look Studio | Shutterstock

When in a work meeting, you won't always agree with what other people have to say. In fact, you might completely disagree and feel frustrated by their ideas. But remaining respectful despite your differences is key to looking high status and keeping the workplace civil. Otherwise, you can risk turning your workplace and career upside down.

According to research in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Healthtoxic workplaces decrease productivity and lead to an increase in job burnout. This doesn't mean you should roll over and accept another person's ideas; after all, it's okay to disagree and simply say, "I think there's a better way," without shutting them down completely. 


7. You maintain good posture

woman explaining something to coworkers fizkes | Shutterstock

People tend to underestimate just how important posture is in their day-to-day life. Poor posture can cause back problems, decrease flexibility, and even lead to headaches. But according to a study from Ohio State University, having poor posture makes people less confident in their thoughts.

During work meetings, be sure to sit up straight and be mindful of your posture. Though it might seem insignificant to your career, having good posture can make you appear high status than 90% of the people in the room! Not only that, it gives you confidence, which positively affects the way your co-workers see you.

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8. You use minimal word fillers

three coworkers discussing something while looking at laptop Ground Picture | Shutterstock

A simple action that makes you look more high status in a work meeting is refraining from using filler words as often as possible. These words can include things like "umm" or "so" or "like" in sentences. Using these words can make you look low status because, according to a study published in Advances In Physiology Education, excessive use of filler words can reduce the credibility of a speaker and their message.

To avoid this, speak slowly and allow your brain to process information before responding. That way, you can avoid those filler words and come off as more competent in the process.


9. You acknowledge other people's hard work

man shaking other mans hand Dragana Gordic | Shutterstock

Nobody likes a boisterous co-worker, as booming laughs and condescending tones are distracting and disrespectful. But the same goes for bragging constantly.

Rather than bragging about your own accomplishments during work meetings, acknowledge the hard work of others. Praise them for their achievements and contributions whenever possible. It keeps you humble and makes you appear high status to the people around you.

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Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's degree in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology topics.
