11 Once-Respected Jobs That Boomers Had But Gen Z Would Never Accept
These industries are likely to suffer as they struggle to bring in new talent in the next decade.

From wanting more flexibility, to redefining professional attire, and reimagining appropriate office language, it’s clear that Gen Z is bringing their modern values into the workplace — challenging their employers and influencing their career decisions in a big way. While many baby boomers have had to cope with these changes from leadership positions by reconsidering their traditional workplace values, Gen Z's new ideas have also highlighted the fact that there are many once-respected jobs that boomers had but Gen Z would never accept.
Now that Gen Zers have overtaken baby boomers in the workforce, according to the U.S. Department of Labor, it’s critical for our society to consider the careers paths they will — and will not — pursue, and how those roles will (or will not) get filled.
These are 11 once-respected jobs that boomers had but Gen Z would never accept
1. Factory floor jobs
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Factory floor positions were once-respected jobs that boomers had but Gen Z would never accept, not just because of the lack of diversity in workplace responsibilities, but because they are incredibly inflexible when it comes to hybrid schedules and remote work.
According to a study from the World Economic Forum, over 70% of Gen Z workers want more permanent flexible working schedules and conditions — something that jobs like factory positions or transportation don’t allow. Without the ability to set their own schedules, work from home, or try out different work responsibilities, many Gen Zers would prefer to choose a job with less compensation to secure the kind of flexibility they’re yearning for.
2. Competitive sales roles
Dean Drobot | Shutterstock.com
Considering Gen Z has been labeled the "loneliest generation,” battling high rates of social isolation and mental health struggles, it’s not surprising that they’re looking for community and connection at work. Although they do have stricter work-life balance expectations and boundaries with their relationships at work, they’re still hoping to achieve a sense of belonging in their workplace, rather than hostility or competition.
While there’s certainly exceptions, the sales industry can be incredibly competitive, especially when it comes to compensation — battling with peers to sell the most and earn the most commission. This kind of competitive work culture makes sales jobs one of the once-respected jobs that boomers had but Gen Z would never adopt.
Ironically enough, over 55% of Gen Zers admit they’d become an influencer if they had the means to, according to a Samsung and Morning Consult report, revealing their collective pull towards the entertainment industry — interacting and engaging with the sales industry from a different, less directly competitive lens.
3. Skilled trade roles
Sorapop Udomsri | Shutterstock.com
Whether it’s plumbing or electrical work, skilled trade jobs have become some of the once-respected jobs that boomers had but Gen Z would never accept. While social media and a desire for economic stability has urged some young adults to learn a trade, hoping to secure a stable job that funds their lifestyle goals, many are still concerned with stigmas and potential discrimination present in the industry, according to a 2024 Jobber report.
With comfort and flexibility being some of the most important determining factors for Gen Z’s job choices, trade jobs have almost completely fallen off the radar for many young workers. Coupled with the physical demands that many of these roles expect, many Gen Zers are still hesitant to pursue a trade — unsure of how to learn the skills or combat stereotypes in the industry.
4. High-paying corporate jobs with no benefits
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According to a Randstad report on employee perks, many Gen Z employees aren’t willing to accept an offer for a high-paying job without any perks. From health insurance to a flexible working schedule, Gen Z’s priorities around work-life balance and comfort in the workplace collectively take precedence over their salaries, to a certain degree.
Another Samsung report argues that around 50% of Gen Z workers don’t want to enter into any kind of rigid corporate environment at all, more interested in working for themselves or starting their own source of income. While it may be surprising to some, high-paying and prestigious corporate roles are some of the once-respected jobs that boomers had but Gen Z would never accept.
5. Middle management positions
Antoniodiaz | Shutterstock.com
Especially in popular industries like tech and healthcare, many people don’t aspire to be managers anymore, believing they’ll be consistently overworked and underpaid, despite their promotions. For Gen Z, who values their personal time and respecting their work boundaries over achieving a level of prestige or status at work, it’s not surprising that these managerial positions are some of the once-respected jobs that boomers had but Gen Z would never accept.
Baby boomers, who were born into a “hustle” culture where work was intertwined with self-worth and identity, may be more prone to seeking out these leadership opportunities and over-achieving at work.
However, regardless of your age, many of these positions are getting away with underpaying their employees by simply praising them for their work or giving them intangible rewards for exceeding expectations — only leading to burnout and exhaustion down the road.
6. In-person customer service
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Contributing to their collective experience of loneliness, Gen Z also struggles with social anxiety as a result of their social isolation and technological access, pushing them away from traditional customer service roles that’re rigidly in-person.
Coupled with their anxiety of speaking on the phone, it’s not surprising that collectively customer service roles have become some of the once-respected jobs that boomers had but Gen Z would never accept.
7. Manufacturing and construction jobs
Chachamp | Shutterstock.com
According to surveys from the Pew Research Center, Gen Z is leading the pack when it comes to sustainability-focused activism and climate change. From restructuring their food consumption, to altering their spending habits and consumerist behavior, and even reconsidering their careers, many Gen Zers are steering away from traditional social norms to pave a healthier path forward.
Manufacturing and construction jobs are largely unpopular with Gen Zers for this reason — not only do they often contribute negatively to the climate concerns Gen Zers are actively combating in their personal lives, they require rigid schedules and a lack of flexibility that doesn’t suit their workplace expectations.
8. Administrative roles
Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock.com
While there have been recent shifts in Gen Z’s attitudes towards “lazy jobs,” where they have the freedom to set their own schedule and comfortably uphold their boundaries at work, many young workers are yearning for a position that aligns with their personal interests and gives them a sense of purpose.
While administrative jobs and “paper-pushing” roles do sometimes provide that kind of job stability and flexibility, they often lack a sense of fulfillment that many Gen Zers are looking for professionally, especially if they’re missing out on finding community, belonging, and social connection in their personal lives.
9. High-stress healthcare roles
PeopleImages.com - Yuri A | Shutterstock.com
While aspiring to be a doctor or a surgeon growing up gave many Gen Zers a sense of clear direction and purpose, following a traditional educational track into a stable financial career, many are steering away from this demanding industry to make space for their work-life balance expectations and boundaries.
Not only is the reality of training to become a surgeon or a doctor incredibly demanding, it can often be difficult for Gen Zers — already struggling to survive with rising rent costs and inflationary pricing on basic necessities — to find stability as they work to achieve these goals.
As one of the once-respected jobs that boomers had but Gen Z would never accept, many of the young people aspiring to work in this field area are already coming to terms with the less-discussed controversial obstacles and challenges these positions introduce.
10. Teaching
Rido | Shutterstock.com
According to the Southern Regional Education Board, nearly half of all teachers leave the profession within the first 5 years, largely because of rigid schedules, being consistently overworked, and not receiving a livable wage.
For Gen Zers looking for purpose, teaching might’ve seemed like the perfect career, but as more controversial discussions about the practicality of the job and the true emotional burden many teachers carry over into their personal lives grows mainstream, it’s not surprising it’s become one of the industries they’re steering away from.
11. Truck drivers and transportation roles
Adriaticfoto | Shutterstock.com
From becoming a driving instructor to working in long-haul trucking, many Gen Zers are steering away from jobs where they’re expected to get behind the wheel. Many studies, including data from the Department of Transportation, suggest that Gen Zers are generally uninterested with getting their driver’s licenses, influenced by the pressures of adulthood, general anxiety, and the costs of owning and caring for a vehicle.
Without a driver’s license, many of these transportation positions would be impossible for Gen Z workers to pursue, even if they wanted to — although their rigid schedules and demanding expectations already don’t align with other Gen Z workers’ career goals.
Zayda Slabbekoorn is a staff writer with a bachelor’s degree in social relations & policy and gender studies who focuses on psychology, relationships, self-help, and human interest stories.