Millionaire Responds To Worker Who Says People Who Work Less Than 100 Hours A Week Are Beneath Him
Perhaps the truth lies somewhere in between.

Work is an essential part of most people’s lives. It's necessary to work in order to make money to live off of. Only a privileged few are the exception.
While it's admirable to be proud of the job you’re doing, there is also a point at which it can become toxic. One man took the idea of hard work to a new extreme.
One man claimed that people who work less than 100 hours per week are beneath him.
He recently posted a video of himself on the job, wearing a hard hat with overlayed text that said, “If you work less than 100 hours a week lower your tone when talking to me.”
The man shook his head with a smirk on his face, apparently in response to his would-be detractors. One of those detractors quickly sprang up from an unlikely place.
A millionaire responded to the video, offering a new perspective.
Rene Lacad is a millionaire with over 800,000 followers on TikTok. In his bio, he claims to have made $35 million on the Internet. His website states that he is “a 27-year-old college dropout turned entrepreneur who got his start with Lacadvertisement, a social media marketing agency.”
Lacad had a different take on the man's viewpoint.
“You should not take pride in having to work 100 hours a week,” he stated. “When I was in sales, I thought the same thing,” Lacad explained. “I was working 50, 60 hours a week. I thought I was hustling. When, in reality, all it meant was I still had to exchange my time for money.”
Lacad suggested that your perspective on trading time for money should change once you start actually making money. “When you start making real money… penthouse on the water money, that’s when you realize it’s not cool to work a lot,” he said, giving viewers a look out the window of his own penthouse. “You want to work as little as possible.”
Photo: EXTREME-PHOTOGRAPHER from Getty Images Signature / Canva Pro
Lacad insisted that he had nothing against the man in the original TikTok. But, he also had a message for him and others who may agree: “Let’s get something straight. Hard work is good. You need it in your life. But that’s not the goal. Hard work is never the goal. Happiness is.”
Is Lacad’s take realistic for the average person?
While some people in Lacad’s comments agreed with him, others had a different opinion. “Life is all about the struggle and hard work,” one person wrote. Another said, “Someone’s gotta do it.”
Working 100 hours a week may be extreme, but Lacad’s answer that hard work isn’t the goal doesn’t exactly work either. Many people must find a balance somewhere in the middle.
According to SoFi, the average salary in the United States in 2022 was $60,575. This is a far cry from Lacad’s $35 million. People with similar incomes to Lacad may be able to take the focus off of hard work, but most people simply cannot afford to.
It’s true that happiness should be the ultimate goal in life. However, most people cannot completely ignore hard work on their way to happiness. Both are necessary for a fulfilling life that offers one all they need.
Perhaps the truth lies somewhere in between the worker’s thoughts and Lacad’s words.
Mary-Faith Martinez is a writer for YourTango who covers entertainment, news, and human interest topics.