How A Worker With Two Full-Time Remote Jobs Spends Her $320K Total Salary

Even with all of the money in the world, is it really the dream life?

money, working, jobs,woman MVelishchuk / DimaBerlin / Shutterstock 

A woman earning a hefty salary from holding down two full-time jobs divulges she chooses to spend her substantial income. Working with James Cooper, a financial and budgeting expert on TikTok, she shared how she saves money, how much of it she spends each month and on what, and how much she earns per paycheck. 

The woman revealed how she spends her annual salary of $302,000 which she earns from working two full-time jobs. 

According to Cooper, the 34-year-old woman from Austin, Texas, works two fully-remote full-time jobs — a senior project manager making $230,000 annually, and a data analyst making $90,000. 


“Because she has two full-time jobs, she’s able to max out two 401Ks at 3 percent,” Cooper shares. “It’s also worth mentioning that she’s available for two bonuses totaling $70,000 and restricted stock units at the end of the year.” 



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The woman’s paycheck after tax deductions totals $7,800.  Some of her monthly expenses include her mortgage of $3,500, utilities and WiFi which totals $320, and car insurance which is $90. The woman also sets aside some money for leisurely activities and self-care including dining out ($300), going to the gym ($150), getting her nails done ($100), quarterly Botox ($300) and shopping trips ($300). 

She also generously donates at least $200 to charity each month and helps her parents out by giving them $500. 

Cooper explains the personalized budgeting plan he composed for her.

“She has her money automatically flow into three bank accounts every time she gets paid with both jobs,” he says. “So, she’ll have money automatically flow into a spending account, a bill pay account where all of her expenses get automatically pulled from, and a high-yield savings account. After her fund and her expenses, she’s left with $8,460 at the end of the month to do whatever she wants.” 


Cooper says that the woman could use that money to invest, save, or put it toward a vacation since her emergency fund is already funded. 

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While the woman is undoubtedly a hustler, is it really practical, or even legal, to work two full-time jobs at once? 

According to Overemployed, it's technically not against the law to work multiple jobs at one time. If you live in the U.S., at-will employment is the law, meaning that it is a free market between employees and employers, so it is legal to work multiple remote jobs, as this woman does. 

Although this may seem like a good idea to double your income, especially for those who are struggling to make ends meet having just one job, there is a chance that it could backfire. 


At work, you are expected to show up and give it your all. However, if you’re in a meeting with your boss, and your other boss expects you to meet a deadline immediately after, something is going to have to give. When you're spread too thin, it's challenging to give your best effort in either job. Your work quality may suffer, which can result in negative consequences, such as reprimands or job loss. 

It is not just your work performance that will suffer. With two full-time jobs, there is little time for anything outside of work, such as spending time with family and friends, pursuing hobbies or simply relaxing. There is also the high probability of burnout, which can lead to constant exhaustion, anxiety and depression. 



While working multiple jobs may earn you as much money as this woman, you have to consider if it is really the best decision for you. Showing up to work every day, ready to take on the day’s tasks can grow difficult when you’re expected to show up at another job and deliver the same energy. 


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Megan Quinn is a writer at YourTango who covers entertainment and news, self, love, and relationships.
